Chapter 4

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Drake POV

I put my phone on the charger. I smiled knowing the 'cutie' part would make her smile. I try to sleep but I can't get last nights events out of my head.


"What the fuck are you doing here?". I recognize that voice anywhere. I turned around slowly, trembling. I face a very angry Frank glaring at me. "What, cat got your tongue. Can't say Hi to your old man" Frank sarcastically. "You are not my father! You'll never be half the man he was" I spat with sudden courage. He takes a step closer grabbing me by the collar. "What the hell did you just say?!" He yelled in my face. My face goes pale and my palms get sweaty. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Nothing Frank" I said quickly. "Thats what I thought dumbass" He says as he puts me down. Its not that I was afraid of Frank he just has a horrible temper when he's drunk. Which is basically everyday. " I'm out of here I have school tomorrow. I'll be back." I pushed past him and went to the waiting to say goodbye to Veronica, got in my car and drove home.


I thought I closed that part of my for good but it feels my past is coming back to haunt me.

Kelsey POV

It's finally Friday !!!! My last day of detention and the start of the weekend. "So what we doing this weekend bitches ?" Taylor asked. We all laughed. "I'm free how bout y'all" I asked. "I'm busy..I have a date" says Maya. "Oh shit ! With who ?!?" Ke-Ke asked. "Oh no one. It's no big deal" Maya blushed. The bell cut us off before we could ask further and Maya ran off. I finally finished the day and I skipped to detention. "Hey Drake" I smiled. "Why are you so happy?" he asked. "Last day of detention that's why" I said. "You're that happy to get rid of me ?" he fake pouted. "Just cause we don't have detention don't mean we can't still speak" I said. There was silence for about thirty minutes. "You wanna do something this weekend" Drake blurted out. "Sure I'll see if my girls want to come" I said. "Actually I meant just me and you" "Like a date? I asked nervously. I gotta admit Drake is pretty cute. "Yeah like a date" "Well sure" "Cool I'll pick you up at 8" he said jus has the bell rang ending detention. We walked out together. "You need a ride?" He asked "Nah I live a few blocks away so I'm cool" I said. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow than" he smiled and waved goodbye. As I walked home I smiled to myself. I've got a date with Drake Hamilton.

I woke up the next morning and did my normal Saturday routine. Wake up. Brush teeth. Get cereal. Watch cartoons. I've been doing this since spongebob fist came out. It was like love at first sight for me and that yellow thing. I've been watching tv all day and something's been nagging me. I feel like I need to do something. And then it hits me. I have a date with Drake Hamilton in less than 2 hours and I'm not ready. I jump off the couch and into the shower as fast as I can. I curl my hair and turn to my closet. What to wear what to wear. I don't want to look too fancy but then I don't want to look too dull. I go with a black pencil skirt and a purple off the shoulder shirt. I pair it all with my 2 inch ankle black boots. When I start to do my make up it's 7:40. Shit ! I rush through my make I only putting on mascara and foundation with a pink lip gloss. I check myself out in the mirror and I look good. I hear the doorbell ring and I grab my keys and purse and answer the door. When I open it I see a handsome Drake in khakis and a light blue button down. He looks sexy. "Well you don't look too bad yourself either" he chuckles. "Damn I said that outloud" I said. "Yes you did. Come on let's go"

We go to a small diner. It's a cute little place. We sit in a booth and a waiter comes to take our order. "What can I get you" he says. I order a coke and waffles and Drake orders a sprite and a burger. "How can you eat a waffle at 8 pm" Drake asked. "It's never a bad time to eat a waffle" I say causing him to laugh. Our food came and we ate and paid. I start to walk back to his car when he pulled me in another direction. "Where we going ?" I asked. "I thought we'd walk around for a bit if that's okay with you" he said. "Sure" I smiled. We walked around. "So what's your favorite color " Drake asked. "Pink. Yours?" "Green" "Cool..what type of music do you like?" "I like all types country, rap, techno, about you?" "The same. All types". We talked more and figured out we have a lot in common. As he drove me back home we jammed to 104.3's club mixes. When we pulled up to my door he turned the car off. "I had fun tonight" he said. "Me too" I smiled. "I don't know if I told you but you look really beautiful with your hair down" "Thanks." "Except this one piece is in the way" he moved a strand of hair behind my ear his hand lingering on my cheek. We stare into each other's eyes. I look at his lips and he looks at mine. I lean in and....

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