Chapter 7

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Drake POV

I can't believe she doesn't realize how beautiful she is. I know I've only known her for a week but I just want her to see how amazingly beautiful she is. Her sweet voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "So what are we gonna do at your house?" "Uh I don't know I was thinking smoke some weed then do a line of crack and finally get drunk" I say deadly serious. She gasps and stops walking. "Are you fucking serious?! What kind of girl do you think I am!" She yells. I burst into laughter. "Kelsey I'm kidding ! We'll probably just watch tv and play video games" I said still laughing. "You fucker!" She hits me while laughing. " I was so scared" "I don't know why I mean what type of boy do you think I am !" "A stupid one!" She says while sticking her tongue out at me. "Oh well I'm just gonna go cry now" I say fake pouting. "Kay Kay need a tissue?" She asks seriously. "Damn girl you would just let me cry like that" I asked in shock. She starts laughing " I'm kidding. Plus it's not like you would care if I cried". "Of course I would. No tears should ever come from you. You're too beautiful for that" I said the last part quietly. She's really quiet so I look over to see her blushing. Ha your boy got some moves. "My house is just up the street" I said breaking the tension. "Oh okay good! Wanna race?" She suggest with a wicked smirk. "And what will I get when I win?" I say "Cocky bastard! but loser has to make snacks" "Can you even cook ?" I asked. "You'll never find out" "Who's cocky now?" I laughed. "Whatever. Readsetgo" she yelled. "Wait what?!" I looked up and she was already running. Cheater ! I start to run but trip on my shoelaces and fall scraping my knee. I tied them up and kept running till I reach my house and see a smirking Kelsey on my doorstep. "I win !" She says. "No fair you cheated" I whine. "Not my fault you don't tie your shoes!" She laughed. "You knew?! I fell and scraped my knee" I said. She jumped up. "Oh my god really ?!? I am so sorry I didn't think you would fall I'm such a horrible person! Does it hurt? I'm so sorry Drake I - what hell is so funny!" She finally notices me laughing after all that rambling. "It's fine Kelsey. It doesn't even hurt" I said still laughing. "Well let me at least help bandage it" she said still looking worried. "Okay sure" I let her in and lead her to the bathroom where we keep the first aid kit. She told me to sit on the toilet and took alcohol, cotton balls, and a band aid. She puts the alcohol on the cotton ball and looks up at me. "This may sting a bit" she says. "I'm a man I can take it." I smirk. She rolls her eyes and puts the ball to my knee. "Shit shit shit !" I yell involuntarily. "Looks like Mr.Man couldn't take it" she laughs. "Oh shush." I blush in embarrassment. "All done" she says. "Not gonna kiss it to make it better" I say with a fake pout. "I'm not kissing your knee Drake" she laughs. "It's okay I got something else for you to kiss" my eyes flashed to her lips. She smirked "And what is-" Before she could finish her thought I pulled her close and crashed my lips into hers. As I did so my heart beat two times faster. Her lips moved in sync with mine after the initial shock. I could get use to this I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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