Chapter 1: The vow

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As I walked through the crowded place I started searching. Searching for a sign, any sign of her. I kept my head low as well as my cape. As low as possible. Not that anyone would recognize me, but just in case. I didn't want to take that risk. I was lost and forgotten. Since the day that I was send away I was already forgotten. I never knew the reason why my parents gave me away. They just said: "Protection, it's saver for you that way". Right. They didn't even bother to send a note or anything. They just.. let me go. I also didn't know about Aelin. Gods, a sister. I have a sister.

The day my parents, our parents were assassinated I heard that I had a younger sister. But, she was nowhere to be found. I was thirteen years old back then. I could still remember the chaos I had caused by leaving the aunt whom I had lived with. Since that day, I had tried to find her. A stupid choice. Rumors were going that she was dead. But there were also people that said she was alive. So I had no choice, but to go after her. I want to meet her, and be the sister that I am supposed to be. I had never known anything about her. Maybe she was human, maybe she was Fae..

I am a Fae, but I have always been different to my family. I had their eyes, blue eyes with a golden edge, but the hair was different. Dark brown hair. And not only that was different. I had other powers. I always thought that they had send me away because I was different. Instead of Fire manipulation, I had ice manipulation. No one knows the reason why. Also, my animal was a wolf. A white wolf.

All I could see in this part of the city were drunk man and waifs and strays and whores. No assassin to be seen. I was in Rifthold in Adarlan. I've learned that she was trained to become an assassin. Gods above, an assassin. I am not an angel, I did horrible things just to find out where Aelin was hiding. But she, Aelin, her own sister being an assassin. Killing people. I felt horrible after I had heard that. The person that had told me that, a strange and old man, had known that and had grimaced at me. A huge mistake of him. I had ripped out his throat before he could scream or anything. A quick and silent death. He had huddled, and I had disappeared as fast as I could.

I heard someone coming to me. He wanted me. I knew that because of his slow and even a little hesitating steps he took. He was packed. He had all sorts of knives hidden everywhere he could. Stupid, stupid choice. When he was close enough I stopped walking and turned smoothly around, to face him. Still, I had my cape low and my face hidden. As I knew, my eyes would betray me. The Ashryver eyes.
"You wanted to speak to me?," the man said.
I grimaced.
"You know what I want, just give me the answers and I'll spare you," I said quietly.
The man laughed and stepped closer to me. A dangerous move.
"I give you the answers and you do something for me," he said.
I had to held back my hands to avoid slitting his throat.
"We all want things, you give me the answers and I spare you." I said. "That is the deal," I added slow and violently.
He took out one of his knives and started to play with it.
I let out a quiet sigh. I didn't want to have a conversation this slow.
Show weakness, that's what people want to see. And as soon as they think that you're underneath their power—you fight like hell.
That's what my aunt once told me. A powerful lesson, she had told me. So I did what she had said. Show them weakness.
"Fine, what do you want?" I asked.
He smiled, "Not much, really. I just want—you."
"Become my assassin for twelve months and I'll give you the answers I have."
Twelve months stuck with him.
"Why? Why do you want me?,"
A low laugh, "Do I even have to explain, Naenia Ashryver Galathynius?."
I froze when I heard my name. I hadn't heard it for years now. I never told anyone my name. And if I told anyone my name, I let my last name out of it. Show your weakness.
"Alright, I do it, for the answers."
His smile broadened and I had to fight back the urge to kill him. And that was it. He turned and walked away, with me  behind him, following him.

And in that night, I followed the King of Assassins to his territory.

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