Chapter 2

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Upon hearing my voice in her head, she freezes and looks back at me through the rain and dim orange streetlights.

"It's okay, Ilsa," I say aloud. "My name is Charles Xav-" She throws her arm out and the bone of her wrist smacks my cheekbone. As I turn from the blow she takes off again but Erik catches her arm before anyone walking past can notice the commotion.

She's had training in her past; self-defence and some kind weapons training, but in her state of fear and panic most of that isn't coming to the front of her mind now.

Her hands ball into fists and a multicoloured light travels downwards from underneath the sleeves of her coat to her fingers. Her fingertips and knuckles spark angrily and glow brighter, and at one point she zaps Erik and he falls back from her.

Her thoughts start to focus and a blade slips out from underneath her coat sleeve. She turns sharply to face him and stands in a defensive position, the knife held horizontally in front of her as her knees are bent slightly. She's prepared to either attack or defend herself, whichever comes first. I watch her size him up and eye potential target spots, deciding on his strengths and weaknesses and what she can use to her advantage against him, training her eyes on him like a predator. This isn't her first fight, and there's some kind of mental block she's set up for herself that keeps me from seeing the kind of fighting history she's had.

She moves forward to strike and Erik ducks away from the knife, she turns to face him again and he waves his hand so the knife flies out of hers and smacks into the brick wall beside her. She glances at it a moment, confused, but resumes her defensive position.

"No, no - stop, stop - stop!" I hold up a hand to her. "Please, listen to me we're not-"

"Who the fuck are you?" She demands over the rain.

"My name is Charles Xavier, th-"

"I don't care about your names I heard you in my head."

"Because I'm like you, Ilsa! We both are - look you're not alone, alright? We came here to..." I trail off as I try to find the right words. "Look, why don't you just...try not to kill us, and we'll explain everything."

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