chapter One(Stormy)

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The scarlet and grey background flashed in the back of my mind. The reason I fought, for justice. The line between good and evil had been drawn and I was determined bring goodness into victory. Years of practice and lessons for the side that shouldn't have to fight, the side that believed in love. The good side. The side that was forced into slavery, into war. My mom fought and died, for them, upheld by justice and faith. Since then, the rest of the clan took me in and raised me. Taught me to be good. To revenge her life, her spirit. To believe in them.

"I want everyone to listen up," Mrs. Periwinkle stated as she walked to the back of the history classroom. As upon law, every student must attend school. So, I sit here as one of the standards and direct my attention to the front of the room. I'd rather be anywhere but here, literally anywhere. Smiling, I give my friend thumbs up as her group starts presenting. Knowing how nervous she is up there, I try to be as encouraging as I can be. The slideshow flashes on behind them as they start. My gaze drifts to the bland, grey wall behind them. Instantly unfocusing and sending me into a state of peace. The sound of Kay and her group talking floats in and out of my ears. It almost amazes me how fast I can go into these states now. It used to take me hours to slip out of reality and into my own little bubble. Suddenly, my bubble pops as the sharp sound of clapping wakes me back up, back into reality. As soon as it's over, Mrs. P. jumps at the chance to wiggle more information into our brains. Kay walks pass me as I silently high five her.

"The war on justice was called, and we fought," Mrs. Periwinkle drones on about a boring human war that happened decades ago. Starting up a slideshow and she pulls out her laser and starts pointing to things. It's literally the same slideshow that the government has all the teachers show their students. So, we don't "repeat the terrible events that caused the war." It's stupid, honestly. We've seen it since 1st grade at least twice a year. There honestly was no reason to pay attention the first time, and there is still no reason to. I succumb into the maze of randomness that is my thoughts, picking one to latch onto. It's not the first time this has happened in class, I already understood it all. Being half elemental had its perks, one including I instantly understand everything at a moment's notice. I end up thinking about my ability practice with Gwen. This is the one thing that I don't understand. It's frustrating as hell. Every other elemental has come and gone, understanding and practicing with ease. Easily using natures melody to manipulate one of the four elements. As elementals, we each can shift, move, and basically play with one of the four elements; earth, air, fire and ice. Some of the stronger elemental can play with more than one but the rest of us only get one. It's one of the naturalist thing to an elemental to manipulate their element. Yet I can't seem to, and it's the worst thing ever, gruesome even. Gwen, my instructor has been doing everything she possibly can to get my element out of me. Injecting serums, into my bloodstream, giving me pills, shoving me into the ground and water, dropping me from the sky, lighting matches millimeters from my skin, now she seems to think that exhaustion and physical movement is going to do it. I've been up every night for the past few days doing extreme workouts. Even that would be better than this.


The sound of my name snaps me out of the whirlwind inside my mind. Focusing my eyes, I look up. Mrs. Periwinkle is glaring holes though my scull. If it was possible to kill someone with a glare, I would be dead, multiple times over.

"This is the third time this week that you have fallen asleep in my class!" The veins in her forehead look like they are about to pop out. Her grey hair looks like it is about to pop out of the iron clad grip of her hairspray. Oops, I've gotten her mad again. It's not like I was sleeping, I sleep like the dead and no one and nothing can wake me up. I just don't really care about the stupid war, and Gwen has been pushing me lately to point where I go to bed so late, if at all, that staying awake in class is barely manageable. That on top of the boring lessons makes dreaming with my eyes open a habit to me. I guess my eyes closed this time. I understand why Gwen is pushing me though. The war has reached a breaking point where it could go either way, and everyone is in danger. The blue guard is constantly clashing with our forces and sending our people into a frenzy. Everyone that is of age and can fight, is fighting. She just wants to help me; the sooner I learn how to use my powers the sooner I can join the mages in battle. Mages are getting rarer and rarer so every drop of magic is needed so, mine included.

"Sorry, I'll stay awake," I mumbled the words only to pacify Mrs. P. As soon as she turns away my eyes slip shut once again. The mundane sound of Mrs. Periwinkle lulling me back into my dream state. The blood in my veins heat up seconds before they turn cold. The slamming of the door being thrown open echoes against the walls of the classroom. Causing my to eyes fly open and me to jump up in my seat. Instantly I'm awake and alert. Like a warrior listening to the impending doom of the drums of his enemy coming closer before battle. A man stood in the doorway looking like an angel from Heaven here to deliver the final blow to Satan. His silver hair somehow managing to gleam against the flickering yellow lights of the classroom. He looks about my age, maybe a few years older, with a lean, muscular build. He looks so out of place in this every day standard classroom. The room crackles with energy as the temperature rises. His wild eyes scan the classroom looking for something, or someone. As his eyes connect with mine, my palms start to freeze as if my elemental power was ice, leaping with reckless abandon. Matching the heat in the room with coldness, my heart races, it shouldn't be acting like this, it is dormant. It shouldn't even be active. He starts walking towards with such purpose and intensity in his steps, like he was a beast and I his prey. I frantically look around the room. Someone, help me. I mentally scream. My eyes lock on Kay's as she openly gapes at him, practically drooling. My hands are now almost frozen and my breath hitches as my heart leaps. Nothing like this has ever happened before and it's scaring the crap out of me. I have no idea what to do and I have no control. The ice creeps up my arms towards my elbows. Like Elsa from frozen, only this is real. The mysterious man reaches my table and leans down towards my stiff form. Like it's the naturalist thing in the world for him. His breath tickles my neck, and my heart stops pounding as my blood turns to ice. Scarlet power rushed through my veins as my vision crossed and the shapes in the room turned into stars. The faintest heat wave touches my neck as I completely lose all my senses and pass out.

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