Chapter 5(Stormy)

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    I don't want to wake up, it should be illegal to make someone wake up. Seriously, someone get on that. I sink into the soft cushion that surrounds me. Breathing in the scent of newly washed sheets. Wait, my bed isn't soft. It was comparable to a rock. And I definitely haven't washed my sheets anytime recently. I was too busy to, and quite frankly I was lazy in that sense anyways. So why was I this comfortable, and more importantly, where the hell was I. My breathing immediately sped up as a panic set in as I remembered the last 24 hours. The feeling of being burned alive, being so close to death. I almost saw Heavens gates, so close to Jesus. Okay, I may be overreacting but it was terrible. I hated it with the very core of my being. Slowly, I cracked my eyes open just enough that I could get a sense of where I was. The walls were a soft beige color. I think it was supposed to be a calming "color", that or they had a guy on decorating duty. Not trying to be sexist or anything, but all of the guys that I know are fashion blind. Interior, exterior, clothing ect. challenged. I turned my head and took in the room. I lay in a queen size bed, also brown. Next to the bed is a small table. Surprise, surprise also brown. Seriously, there is no color in here. I understand that I am a prisoner here and that I shouldn't be critical, but all brown? Besides that, there was a ceiling fan centered in the middle of the room. Creating a soft whistling sound.
"Argh, your such a butt!" the sound of the girls voice grew louder, I assume as they get closer.
"A butt, really. That's all you got, real insulting. Oh, I'm so hurt, I'm a butt," a guys voice mocked her. They sound so close. Suddenly even more panic rises inside me. My stomach turns at the thought of what they could do to me. Of what they already did to me. I can't do that again, I won't. I'll fight, I'll scream, I'll... I'll.... I can't do anything. I feel so defeated. My heart hurts, I'm so scared. I can't run, I'd never make it out right now. I'm weak, I've never felt this weak in my life.
"Well you are. Do you think she's awake yet?" the girls voice spilt from outside the door. Drowning out the fans whistling. Like an adult speaking over a child. I quickly shut my eyes, they couldn't know that I was awake. Gwen's voice suddenly in my mind. All her training, all her pushing, now it all means so much. It may be the difference between life and death. My senses run into overdrive as I hear the sound of the door opening.
"She's sleeping," the girl whines. Is she disappointed that I'm not awake for her to torture me. Well, sorry to disappoint you random sicopatic girl.
"She should wake up soon. Dan said a few more hours at most. When she wakes we need to make sure she understands what happened," the guys voice answered hers back. Like I'm just going to understand that you tried to burn me alive. Oh, we tried to burn you. But you weren't fucking flammable enough and you survived. Now we got to make sure you stay here till we can burn you again. This time why don't you actually die, thanks. Really people, like that's going to work. I'm out of here at the first chance that I get.
"I know, but I was really hoping she would be awake. I can't wait to talk to her. I want to know how she did it. I was so scared she wouldnt make it," her voice wavers a little bit. Ya, really. I'm sure you care so much about me.
"She'll wake up soon, don't worry. When she does we will talk. Just wait a little bit longer. She can't sleep forever," the guy answers her. Oh yeah, watch me. I'll sleep so long you will think I'm dead. Try me random dude.
"Come here," his voice is now husky. Wait, what are they doing? Why does his voice suddenly sound like he's a zombie.
"What if she wakes up?" the girls voice is soft.
"So what, she looks dead to me. She won't wake up in the next few seconds. Now come here," he easily dismissed my ability to wake up quickly. Try me. The shuffling of feet passing my side of the bed followed his order. Seriously, gosh no. They are going to kiss. In front of me. Haven't they heard of manners. I slowly open my eyes to make sure I'm right. Two forms are basically eating each other. I'm going to hurl. I sit up, this needs to stop. Leaning over the bed I make gagging noises. To add to the effect, I start contracting my muscles. They spin around quickly, a shocked expression on their faces. I add one last fake throw up and sit up.
"Your awake," she says. Her face stark red.
"Yah, and you need to get a room," my voice mocks back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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