Chapter 2

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~Alex's POV~

When I got in the car all I could think about was Andy... He got even hotter! I blushed when I thought about him.

"Alex here's the phone plug." My mom said handing me the charger.

I plugged my phone in and turned my phone on. When my phone turned on I realized I got a text from my ex boyfriend Gabe.

Gabe: I'm going to miss you...

I just deleted the text. I never wanted to deal with him again. He used me.. He cheated on me and I'm done... I sort of just gave up with love. Andy probably had a girlfriend.. He's soo cute...

"Soo Alex, are you excited to see Andy again?" My mom glanced over at me then back at the road.

"Are you kidding???? I can't wait to see my best friend again!!!!" I couldn't help but smile.

The rest of the drive was just complete awkwardness /: when we get to Cincinnati mom is dropping me off at Andy's house then she's gunna go to our new house and start unpacking.

We pulled up In front of Andy's house and I started walking towards the door as my mom drove off. Before I could knock on the door, Andy grabbed me and hugged me super tight.

"Alex!!!!" He practically screamed at the top of his lungs and he spun me around.

"Andy!!! Oh my god I missed you soo much!"

Umm... Wait... Fuck >.<

"I missed you to.." Andy looked me in the eyes. I couldn't help but blush madly..

Maybe I did really like him.

I broke the awkwardness. "So tell me about your band!" I said super happily cause duh I saw knives and pens!

"Omfg where do I start!" He smiled a

lot while he talked. I missed his smile. I didn't pay attention to what he was saying... I just watched his beautiful face smile.

"Alex?" He lost his smile and he just stared at me.

"y-yeah?..." I got really nervous. Was he gunna tell me he has a girlfriend and he didn't love me.

"Can I ask you something?.." He looked down a lil' bit.

"Sure... Anything." I tried to smile but I couldn't.

He looked me in the eyes and I got lost in them.

I realized he was leaning down towards my face.. Andy got really tall >.<

"A-Andy..." I stuttered with my words.

"Alex..." He took a tiny step backwards.

"I think I like you..." He basically whispered that to me..

"I think I like you too..." I looked at his sparkling blue eyes.

He looked up at me and smiled. I saw sparks in his eyes...

Omfg did Andy just tell me he likes me!?! ^0^

"So Alex... Do you maybe.. Wanna go out?.." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yes!" I squealed.

Erm wait >.<

I cleared my throat. "I mean... Yeah sounds cool." I felt my face get hot.

Andy looked down at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled up towards him.

"Your really pretty." He blushed and he looked down a little bit.

"Your... Just.. Wow." I giggled.

Andy just chuckled and he pulled me a little closer to him. I smiled and blushed. My heart started beating a lot faster.

"So you want me to go with you to your house to help you set up your room?" He kissed my head.

Awe! ^~^

"Sure!" I grabbed his hand and we started walking to my house.

~Andy's POV~

Did I seriously just ask out the girl I've been dying to go out with since like the 8th grade!?!? Holy shit.

I'm soo pissed off at myself for not talking to her for like 2 years. :( well I'm gunna make her talk about every single little detail. I wanna know everything! I blushed when I thought about her.

Alex and I were walking to her new house so I can help her unpack. While we were walking she held my hand. It's just fits perfectly into mine!

I think I love her! ^0^

When we got to her house we went to her room to see that her mom put some boxes in there already with her stuff.

"So what first?" I asked her.

"Posters!" She laughed.

I chuckled and I pulled her close to me. She started to blush and I kissed her nose.

"Maybe we should move the furniture around and then hang up posters." I suggested.

"Sure." Her angelic voice is just perfect!

When she tried to push some furniture, I pulled her back into my chest. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I put my arms around her neck.

I love her warm hugs. \(^0^)/

"Andy we need to set up my room."

I kissed her head. "Okay babe."

I could feel her smile against my chest. I love when she smiles. We spent about 2 hours moving around furniture and hanging up posters. Once we finished setting up her room she fell back on the bed. I sat next to her. I sat criss cross facing her and she did the same facing me.

"So! Tell me everything! I want to know every single little detail!" I smiled widely.

"Everything..." She looked down.

I lifted her chin up. "Alex are you okay??"

She shook her head. I pulled her onto my lap with her back laying against my chest. As I had my arms around her stomach, something didn't feel right...

"In my two years of living in Pennsylvania... I had no friends.. I became suicidle.... I self harmed and... Yeah..." She spoke soft...

She tried to get off my lap but i pulled her back close to me... She winced with pain... I let her go a little bit.

"I'm sorry did I hurt you..." Shit stupid Andy! >.<

"No it's fine... I'm used to pain..."

"Alex you can't hurt yourself anymore. I care about you too much about you.."

She nodded her head. I turned on the tv in her room and She cuddled up next to me. After about 30 minutes, Alex fell asleep in my arms. ^~^ awe she's soo adorable when she is asleep!








Hey guys so tbh this story is really hard to write because I just went through a major break up </3 I hope the chapters aren't too short for you guys.. >.< im trying my best! ~Hanna

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