Part 1 the start

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hey. what's up i'm y/n Gilinsky. I'm practically a nerd for being in pre-ap classes(i learn next year stuff instead of this year stuff)and people don't think of me as a(n) athletic person, but i've made a lot of friends cause well my bestfriend since grade school has been bullying me since she became popular for being captain of the cheer team.

all though she isn't my friend i don't care about her no more she has new friends and so do i but anyways me and my friends are trying out for the basketball team every one especially the coaches say i would make captain of the team cause i'm really good at every position.but nothing will stop me from tryouts.

"hey y/n/n"(your nick name)my friend vanessa said"hey hudgens"i said"you excited about tryouts"she said excitingly"yep"i said.oh and me and my friends have all pre-ap classes together so we bonded"so are all the girls trying out"i said"yep"she said"ok let's get this last class over with so we can tryout"i said and we headed to calculus class"hey y/n"they said 

i have friends yea and the girls's names are bea miller, vanessa hudgens, selena gomez, demi lovato, cher loyde, and ariana grande"hey guys"and my guy friend's are jack gilinsky,  jack johnson, zac efron, cameron dallas, brent rivera."you girls ready cause we got basketball tryouts in about 1 minute or we leave to tryouts in 1 minutes"brent said"hope you guys make it"be said"same"zac said

"RING"i heard the bell and my squad ran out the door and the good thing is i only need to tryout today and it's friday "we're here"selena said"wow on time as always girls"coach said.he always liked us we were even his favorites and he really dislikes camila and the cheer team but coach woods likes them she says that cheer is better than sports and coach gibson always brags about us

"hey what's cheer doing here"i said irritated"woods made them practice during try the guys trying out too?"he really enjoyed the guys cause they were like us except they were guys"yea"i said"well i hope they make it"he said we went inside the locker room and changed into our workout clothes which is really basket ball shorts and a plain white shirt.i was putting on my shoes when camila came in the locker room

"serously? gilinsky you're trying out you won't make it you barely have muscle"she said"well have you seen me ever play"i said"no but since we're practicing when you're trying out i'll see how bad you are"she said then walked out

me and all the girls finished and then we waited for other people and they came there was a lot of us probably 19 girls showed up so we didn't take up all the gym"OK GIRLS INSTEAD OF THE BORING EXCERSIZES WE'RE GONNA PLAY A ONE ON ONE "he said"OK FIRST UP GOMEZ V.S LARSSON (zara larsson)"he said and the game started and man they were good then selena a shot but far away"OK POINT AND YOU NEED TO MAKE 1 POINT TO MAKE IT IN THE TEAM AND THE PERSON THAT MAKES IT IS ON THE TEAM"he said"WOAH GOOD JOB GOMEZ"me and the coach said in unison 

wow 20 minutes later all my friends and 3 other girls made it so now me and this girl by the name of bella thorne were last"OK GILINSKY V.S THORNE"once cheer heard my last name i'm guessing camila made them watch me cause they stopped and just stood there waiting for the game to start"OK START"he said and i got the ball quick and boy was bella good but i was better and my objective was to make a micheal jordan shot so i was gonna do a dunk

"GO Y/N"i heard the girls say i ran and bella had to breath but i didn't stop and so i looked at the ball and the net and i can make it. i ran and jumped and i made it into the net.i got down and looked up at camila and her jaw dropped so did my friends,coach,bella,and camila's squad oh and those girls that made it so every one was surprised"OK Y/N MADE IT"he said and my friends went and hugged me glad all of us made it on the team

"ok so i decided that since y/n made one of the greatest shots ever she will wear the jersey with a #1 on it"he said and gave me the red and white jersey with the #1 on it"um thankyou"i said with tears in my eyes"oh and all of us made a decision and we want you to be captain"he said i looked at the girls and they didn't notice what he said"hey gibson let's all say it louder"i said and everybody nodded"WOOOO Y/N IS NOW OUR CAPTAIN OF THE BASKETBALL TEAM"i said and camila noticed cause she smiled at me

"hey y/n"she said"what do you want cabello"i said mad and angry"um what you did was amazing"she said and i snapped"oh yea i didn't let my ex bestfriend since grade school tell me i wouldn't make it"i said and she got sad"y/n i didn't mean it"she said"and since you're already mad um i bet you don't want to see me but woods says that we have to be at all your games"she said"oh great i bet this will be fun"i said sarcastically"i'm sorry i'll go now"she said"um and i'm proud of you i knew ever since we met you've wanted to be in basketball"she said grabbing my arm and for some reason i loved the feeling it gave me a good feeling

"gosh this is gonna be a good season"i said after she left and headed to coach"ok girls you've made it on the team so here are your official outfits"he said giving us our outfits i was about to leave cause all the girls left"hey gilinsky"coach said"what's up gibbson"i asked"hey just in case you ever find that special someone  we made you another jersey for you to keep but know that anybody will know it's yours cause your last name is on the back of it and people will do anything to take it so never leave it alone cause now camila tweeted about you being captain so now your popular and please.."he said"never change or end up being bad showing up late to classes or be dumb like camila"he said and i nodded then headed home

"hey mom hey sis"i said as i walked inside my house.oh and my sister's name is kaylee and me and her were born at the same time so we are actually twins but camila never saw her when we were little cause she was always somewhere else and my sister only met the girls and the guys but she'll meet the other girls cause they'll come to practice here cause i've got a basketball court in the backyard 

"hey twin sis"she said"hey y/n how was today"she said"oh my gosh did you try out"she said and i was gonna trick them"um about that i feel sad"i said and they thought i didn't make it"oh my gosh y/n"she said"i feel sad that the others didn't make it..."i said"BUT I DID"i said yelling"oh my gosh sis i'm proud of you and is that a special jersey you know many people will want it since you're now captain"she said"how did you know"i said"well only captain gets this jersey to keep"she said"well i don't have to go to practice until monday after school so i only have practice after school only so i have the weekends to me"i said

"oh mom can you take me to the gym to work out on weekend's"i said"why"she said"so i can get muscle since i will have fans"i said"ok y/n"she said"ok wait i know how to drive can i take our second car dad got me"i said"actually yea i don't feel like driving"she said"and i can leave and go when i want to"i said and headed to the shower

i got out the shower wearing a baseball button up and some joggers

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