Part 32 Dreaming?

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we left starbucks and i had to go home but she wanted me to go with her to someones house. camila said we're still together and she wanted to be my girlfriend really bad anyways. we arrived to the house and i was half awake so i couldn't recognize it. my eyes finally adjusted and i saw it was the girl's house. we both went in and i held camila's hand and their eyes were wide.

"camz? who's this?"ally said"um.."i gave her a thumbs up and she nodded her head"this is madison but it's y/n"she said"camz i think she acts like y/n but she isn't sweetie she's gone"ally said"no it's true smalls"i said and i'm the only one who calls her that"sure"lauren said"whatever lolo"i said and her eyes went wide"and i love you manibear"i said and her mouth went wide"and you too d-mac"i said and they were smiling

"Y/N"they said crying"it's madison and i missed you guys too"i said"but it's not madison it's y/n"they said"just leave it y/n's gone for all that people know for now on i'm madison beer"i said and they were still hugging me"ok so i gotta head to my house it was nice seeing you girls but i think i'll call an uber"i said and they nodded their head"ugh..camz you comming?"i said and she jumped up and nodded her head and we went to my house

we arrived at my house and i changed into some comfy clothes and i gave her some too we fell asleep but she woke up half way through the night"babe go to bed i have to go to work in shit like an hour um do whatever i gotta go to work but i gotta get dressed"i said and i got dressed and then i brushed my teeth and then i went to the kitchen and camila scared me

"HOLY SHIT BABE YOU SCARED ME"i said"why are you working at a starbucks?"she said"because he made me but enough of that i gotta go um if you go back to your place"i said but she refused"what you wanna come?"i said and she nodded her head"ok lets go"i said but she kissed me"you have to go i'll just stay"she said and i left


i thought about singing again and i went to scooters label and he let me in"ok madison can you sing?"he said and i nodded my head and he lead me to a music booth and i sung my heart out

he clapped his hands and THE JUSTIN BEIBER CAME IN"ok so justin will mentor you madison"he said and i nodded my head"come back tomorrow so we can talk about a music video for this song"he said and i left smiling 


i left to the house and camila's arms were crossed and one eyebrow raised"so where were you starbucks closed about three hours ago so where were you?"she said"um no where you know of"i said"anyways i gotta go to bed so goodnight"i said 


i went to scotters office because i didn't have to work today and he told me the plan and we started filming


we finally finished the video for 'MELODIES' and i was excited for camila to find out"ok so it's posted"he said and i rushed home to camila and she was pissed off"ok tell me now where were yu this morning and for the rest of those three hours?"she said"come here and you'll find out"i said and she came to my laptop and i pressed play

after that i got a message form justin saying he wanted to hang out with me tomorrow for my birthday


i went to a concert with justin and he pulled me onstage cause the concert was his and got me a cake and sang happy birthday to me

i went to a concert with justin and he pulled me onstage cause the concert was his and got me a cake and sang happy birthday to me

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@justinbeiber: had fun singing happy birthday to @madisonbeer she was so shocked

"aww justin i love the picture and i was surprised not shocked"i said and he chuckled"so what else do you want to do?"he said"i want to record a new song that i wrote"i said and he nodded his head


we arrived at the recording studio and recorded my new song 'un breakable'


we finished and it was amazing justin wanted me to get dressed so i did 


Justin's outfit

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Justin's outfit

we went to a house and it was dark he turned on the lights and people jumped out yelling SURPRISE"oh my gosh justin this is too much"i said hugging"LETS PARTY"he said and i was getting a drink when i bumped into a girl"i'm so sorry"i said"no it's ...

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we went to a house and it was dark he turned on the lights and people jumped out yelling SURPRISE"oh my gosh justin this is too much"i said hugging"LETS PARTY"he said and i was getting a drink when i bumped into a girl"i'm so sorry"i said"no it's ok"it was camila"hey camz when did you..uh..get here?"i said

"justin called"she said"you look hot"she said"thanks you look-"i was cut off by two guys"hey there you're madison beer right?"he said"yea i am and who are you?"i said"oh my names jack gilinsky and this is jack johnson"he said"well we like to be called jack and jack"johnson said"oh ok"i said"oh we're here to ask you if we can do a collab on your song?"gilinsky said"um yea i'll call you two whenever i'm done writing the song"i said and gave them both my number"you're very pretty do you know that"gilinsky said"um..i've been told"i said

"well it was nice meeting you mads"he said and disappeared into the crowd"he was too close for my liking"she said"aww babe don't be jealous"i said"i know it's just you don't want to come out"she said"yea about that i think i want to start over you know so i won't be coming out"i said and she shed a tear"well then if you want to start brand new then we're over so have fun being new because this madison beer is changing you"she said"whatever camila"i said and went on instagram and she walked away

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