Part 22 The songs and concerts

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Mark's POV

i was doing a few's when i saw jacob called again so i answered

M- what

J- well hey mark how's it been buddy

M- what have you done now?

J- nothing look i just wanted to apologize

M- ok

J- so now can you help me

M- oh great i knew you apologizing had a catch with it no i'm not going to help you

J- come on mark help me find a home 






J- I know where you're at trust me i have my ways and if you refuse i'll have no choice bt to hurt you 

M- ooh Jacob Sartorious is going to beat me up not with those noddle arms

J- i'll show you noodle arms when i come up to that pent house you're staying at and beat you up

M- so scared

i hung up after but then i heard someone behind me

Camila's POV

I came back because the girls wanted to eat but i wasn't hungry then i heard mark yelling on the phone"ooh Jacob Sartorious is going to beat me up not with those noodle arms"he said and i chuckled"so scared"he said then hung up so i just cleared my throat"oh..hey aun..t c..camila when did you get here?"he said"um about a minute ago.. you wanna tell me who wants to beat you up?"i said"no"he said

"why"i said"no"he said"why mark"i said with a strait face this time"just get out of my business"he said getting up but i pulled him back down"mark thomas i swear if you don't tell me right now"i said getting angry"JUST STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS KARLA"he said and i pulled him back down

"MARK THOMAS"i said pissed"KARLA CAMILA CABELLO ESTRABADIO"he said and i gasped he called me by my full name then a loud noise echoed in the room and he was holding his cheek and then i saw him get his phone and put on his shoes"hey mark i'm so sorry i didn't mean to slap you" said going to touch his cheek but he took a step back"get away from me"he said with tears in his eyes"what?"i said taking a step closer

"I SAID GET AWAY FROM ME"he said scared and ran out i tried to get him but then the front door closed and then i looked out the window and he ran off somewhere"oh no what am i going to have to say to y/n"i said to myself and on cue y/n entered the room"hey mila where's mark i need to take him to rehearsals so he can see me"she said going to his room and i had to tell her

"um y/n he's gone"i said looking down"what do you mean he's gone did he go get food from the store next to the hotel?"she said and i felt even more sad"um no i mean he ran away"i said and her eyes grew wide"why?"she said and i explained everything she started to cry and got up"where are you going it looks like it's going to rain"i said and she got her phone

"just please tell austin everything and tell him where i'm at"she said and left


i walked out the door and then i walked to a candy shop because i knew or thought that he could be there"hey there missy need something?"he said"um yes actually have you seen a kid blond hair blue eyes?"i said"oh yeah he just left two minutes ago mam"he said and i thanked him but he stopped me"wait miss it looks like it's about to rain you sure you wanna head out"he said worried"how long is it going to rain"i said

"until after tomorrow"he said"well since it's now raining i'm y/n"i said"oh i know you you're that new hip singer i love you. that your boy?"he said"yep"i said and the man was in his twenties"well if you're going then be safe"he said and i left and from the inside it didn't look like much but when i stepped out side damn that's a lot of rain

i was already wet from the rain and it was already dark out and now i still can't find mark. i was cold and the wind didn't help at all. i was feeling sick so i went back to the hotel.i arrived and then i saw fifth harmony, thomas, sel, and austin"did fi..fin..find .m..m..mark"i said and they nodded their heads"where?"i said"he was at the arcade but you need to lay down"austin said

"yea you look a little blue"ally said"no guys i got this"i said and went to take a shower"there we go all i need is some soup"i said feeling more warm and better"i'll make you some"ally said and i nodded my head"where's mark?"i said"in his room he won't stop crying he keeps saying i want mom or where's mom"austin said"well look at that he love me more than you"i said and h chuckled

i left to his room and he was crying so i hugged him"hey marky"i said and he lifted his head up"MOM"he said giving me a hug"look mark i'm honestly not mad i'm more mad at camila but what can i say me and her had a fall out and  she can't keep her self contained"i said giving him a kiss"thanks mom but what about rehearsals?"he said"i called them and they understood so we're going tomorrow"i said and he smiled more wide

I left his room and went to camila's"hey camila"i said"y/n i was worried about you"she said hugging me

Camila's POV

"hey camz you know you gotta apologize right?"she said"yes"i said"look if you apologize then we can cuddle"she said and i couldn't say no not that offer i mean she might be my ex girlfriend but i still need her"ok so now apologize"she said i sighed and left but walked in on austin kissing someone i hid behind the wall so he wouldn't see me but i was shocked it was LAUREN but lauren hates him i know she won't belive me so i pulled my phone out and recorded it as proof so y/n will believe me

after a few minutes they stopped and i put my phone away"hey austin hey lauren"i said and they fixed themselves"oh hey camz"lauren said"what were you two doing?"i said"um eating"he said yea each other"oh"was all i said and left to marks room"hey mark?"i said"yes"he said

"um i'm here to apologize"i said"me too sorry for yelling"he said and we hugged"mark?"i said and he looked up"yea mila"he said gosh this is going to be hard to say"i need to tell and show you something"i said"what is it"he said"ok.."

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