twelve » polis

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"So, do you, uh, recognise anything?"

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"So, do you, uh, recognise anything?"

I rolled my eyes at the Commander's question and met her gaze. She seemed antsy as we walked through the streets of Polis and to the supposed tower where I apparently lived. After the Sky People had returned to their camp this morning to come up with a plan for how they could rescue their friends, I had to go with the grounders to Polis where I had to stay.

Polis was huge to say the least, and it was full of grounders living their every day lives. Buildings, tents, stalls, and much more surrounded us, yet through all of this bustling around, people still managed to take notice of the Commander as she made her way through the crowd with her guards. Even I caught a few eyes, which I was very uncomfortable with. I didn't know these people at all. And I didn't recognise a thing.

"That depends," I said, glaring at her, "are you going to kill me if I say no? You know, like you did with your guard?"

She locked her jaw and swallowed hard, before looking ahead. "That was his punishment for betraying me. You're lucky it wasn't your Sky Person friend."

Growing angry at the mention of her potentially killing Raven, I grabbed her wrist and yanked it to stop her from walking. It worked, as she was pulled back slightly, earning the attention of her surrounding guards, who immediately got into fighting stances.

I ignored them as I stepped forward, inches away from the Commander's surprised expression. My grip still tight on her wrist, I hissed, "Don't even think about hurting my friends, you bitch. You're nothing but a coward who hurts people for no reason. Stay away from my friends."

She pursed her lips as her forest-green eyes darted down to her wrist and up to my glaring eyes. They were glassy as she stared right through me, searching deeply for something. It only made it harder for me to stay angry at her. It made my stomach do backflips, and I hated every second of that feeling because her eyes felt like home. They made me feel safe. Comfortable. Something I hadn't remembered feeling unless I thought back to my parents.

"Heda...?" one of her guards addressed her, obviously asking for permission to react and somehow detain me.

The Commander only shook her head slightly, signalling for them to not make a move. She didn't look away from me in the slightest, and I swear I saw her lip trembling as she licked them shakily.

"You hate me," she stated, her voice raspy and quiet. "Every bit of me... don't you?"

I had been telling myself that for some time now. Feeling it inside of me. She was a terrible person from what I could tell, and I hated her. But hearing her say it out loud, sounding as vulnerable as she did, made me unable to admit what I thought I believed. She was still waiting though, for confirmation that I really did despise her. I opened my mouth to admit it, but I couldn't say it, and I wasn't sure why or how, but I knew I would regret it if I said it aloud.

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