Part I: Chapter Eighteen

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     A blinding light flared in between Charity's eyelids. She began to slowly open them and the light gradually got brighter. The familiar rocky interior of the den enclosed her while the landscape outside was blanketed with fresh snow. She cautiously tiptoed out of her shelter and scanned her surroundings. The female dog realized her camp and packmates had disappeared; only the lone High Rock remained. Trees and brush that once surrounded her pack's territory were missing, replaced with large slopes of snow. An icy wind blew through her long fur and she shivered.
     "Hello?" Charity murmured. Snow crunched under paws in the distance, but no one appeared. "Who's there?" No answer, and the foot steps still echoed through the snowy, deserted territory.
     "You're here." A familiar voice rasped.
     The Alpha spun around and faced an old black lab.
     "Axel!" She sighed with relief and curled her neck around the old dog's.
     "It's good to see you too, Charity but I've come to visit you for a reason." Axel pulled away and stared at the Windhound with serious eyes.
     Her gaze startled Charity. "W-What is it?"
     "You and your pack are in great danger."
     "That's impossible! We're in one the nicest forests..." The Alpha's voice faded with uncertainty.
     Axel tilted her head. "You know that for a fact?"
     "That's what I thought. Humans are coming."
     Charity's eyes bulged. "What? What do they want-"
     "You forgot? It's dog season!" Thick snow flakes began to rain down. "And they'll be here soon. You and your pack must go! Go now!" Axel began to disappear in the blizzard.
     "No, Axel don't leave! I still have so many questions!" The face of the elderly lab had already vanished. "Axel! Axel!" Charity howled.
     "Go now!" Still echoed as the last trace of black fur left. Snow contiuned to pour down from the heavens and it flooded the air. The flakes were breathed into the female dog's lungs and she began to suffocate. Charity collapsed in the deep, icy powder, her breaths becoming desperate gasps for any trace of oxygen.
     "Charity...Charity!" A voice barked and her eyes flew open. She leaped to her paws, snarling, ready to defend herself. Her eyes met the surprised ones of Cori.
     "Jeez, come down. I was only woke you up 'cause you kept kicking me."
     Feeling foolish, the sighthound dropped her rump on the stone floor of their den. "Sorry. I was having a bad dream." That's all it was right? Just some dream? A chill ran down Charity's spine as Axel's raspy warning still called out to her. "Go now!"
     "What was the dream about?" Her mate's voice startled her out of her trance. "I mean, it had to be scary based on your kicking and barking." The Beta curiously scratched his scarred ear with a leg.
     "It's not important. Just some odd dream." Before Cori could ask any more questions, the Silken Windhound quickly exited the den and gazed around camp. Thick patches of green grass erected from the dirt and dens of her packmates were visible unlike how they were in her dream. Even the brush and trees that surrounded camp had returned. Not a flake of snow dropped from the sky. Instead, warm, summer rays of sunshine rained down.
     Dogs have strange dreams all the time, don't they? Of course they do. We can stay here. Everything's gonna be fine.

*  *  *

     Once Charity stepped through the leafed curtain, the familiar scents of the Medicine Den surged in her nostrils. She looked right and left but didn't see Thyme anywhere. The Alpha turned to leave.
     "Hi, Alpha!" A tiny voice yipped. She turned toward the voice to see Sky sprawled out on a bed that consisted of bird feathers, leaves, and an old human blanket the pack must've found.
     "Hey, Sky. How ya feelin'?" Charity padded over to the young pup and gave her a loving lick on her soft, fuzzy head.
     The pup wagged her half-tail wrapped in cobwebs and some type of herb. "Much better! Thyme's herbs certainly work; she's such a great dog."
     The Silken Windhound nodded in agreement. "That she is."
     "But not even close to you! You're amazing! Once that alligator bit me, I blacked out. Mother and Father told me that you fought off that alligator that hurt me then ran all the way here with me in your jaws."
     "Yup. That's what happened."
     Sky crawled onto her feet and placed her paws on her leader's white chest and stared deep into her brown eyes. "Amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alpha. I can't even express my gratitude!"
     "You're welcome Sky." Charity curved her neck and touched the pup's nose with hers.
     A volley of yips and little barks erupted into the room, ruining Charity and Sky's moment. They both turned to see the other pups, who tumbled around in a play-fighting, tan, black and red bundle. Crimson, Storm, and June were all nibbling and pawing at Fawn, who helplessly let them bully him.
     "Pups, this is the Medicine Den not a play den. And get off of Fawn!" The Alpha barked with soft authority since she was only talking to pups. They halted their playing and all galloped over to her and Sky.
     June stared up at Charity with excitement in her green eyes. "Sorry, Alpha. We were just pretending that Fawn was the mean alligator that took Sky's tail."
     The tan pup shook himself and dust flew off his pelt. "Now it's somebody else's turn! I'm sick of being the alligator!"
     "I'll be the alligator!" Storm barked. "But you can't beat me." He revealed his tiny fangs, flexed his muscles, and let out a mocking roar.
     Crimson charged at him while yelling "Ahhhhh!" Swiftly, Storm jumped and his red sister rolled passed him right into the wall. June leaped onto him while biting his right ear but he rolled and crushed her with his body weight.
     His moves shocked Charity; he moved so quickly and was very skillful. He fights like Forest use to... Fawn hurled into him, which cause Storm to yelp. The tan and black pup stopped himself from tumbling and rolled onto his paws, then tackled his brother and grabbed a mouthful of his neck scruff.
     "Told you!" Storm's voice was muffled over Fawn's fur.
     "That's enough, Storm." Charity said quietly, still surprised by the pup. "I'm gonna go. See you guys later, and be gentle with Sky."
     "We will!" The four pups barked. "Bye, Alpha."
     "Bye, Alpha!" Sky said last.
     Charity pushed through the curtain and spotted Macy, who seemed to be searching for her. "There you are." The huge, black and white dog sighed with relief then shouted, "Rose, she's over here!"
     The chestnut colored Greyhound emerged from the leader's den with Cori by her side. A twinge of jealously tingled in Charity stomach when she saw the ex-mates talking quietly to each other.
     "Alpha, we found something odd. You should come see it." Rose insisted seriously.
     Charity nodded. "Lead me to it." The Greyhound leaped off of High Rock and trotted into the forest waiting for the leader. Charity followed Rose closely and the other patrol members trailed behind. Once they reached the end of the trees, Rose pointed down with her nose at a shiny, sun-colored, tube-like object. Charity approached the thing and smelled it. Two familiar scents fumed in her nostrils.
Gunpowder. Humans.
     The scents brought her back to when Axel saved her and Kimora from that human who tried to kill them in the forest.
     "What is it, Alpha?" Axe demanded.
     Charity glared at the Bullmastiff, disliking his tone of voice. "It's the covering of a bullet."
     "Bullet?" Macy tilted her head.
     "It's the thing that gets spit out when a gun is fired."
     The Alpha tapped the shell with her nose and it felt warm to the touch. It was freshly shot. She then spotted large, oddly-shaped paw steps around it.
     "Humans are close. Stay alert." Right after Charity finished her sentence, multiple explosions interrupted the silence. Her pack-mates cowered, shaking in fear.
     Horror pierced the Alpha's heart. "It's coming from camp!" She sprinted straight into the trees, twigs whipping her face and legs. The paw steps of her pack-mates sounded behind. Up ahead, instead of seeing only the brush, humans wearing vibrant, orange clothing who stood there with guns, shooting at her pack. Her friends. Her family.
     "Follow me!" The Silken Windhound weaved through the trees and made her way around the brush. She laid low to avoid be by shot and crawled into her territory, which smelled of dog blood, gunpowder and humans. She took cover under one of the large bushes.
     "Cori! Kimora! Anyone! " Charity screamed over the bullet flying above her head. Her mate and sister peeked from behind High Rock. Beside them, was Thyme, Hunter, Suzie, Dash, and Forest. The patrol dogs stayed close to her side, shaking in fear.
     "Where's Scarlet and River?" Right after her bark, the humans began to draw closer, checking the dens for any more prey to shoot. They held their guns close to their faces. Once one of them got close to the Medicine Den, River and Scarlet emerged from behind the curtain and attacked the human, who let out a scream. The parent dogs tore into its flesh with angry growls as it continued to thrash around in pain. A click sounded to Charity's right and she spotted two humans aiming their guns at the brave dogs, ready to shoot any second.
     "Scarlet, River look out-" Before she could finish her warning, another explosion sounded and the Golden and Irish Setter flew off the human they were attacking without a sound.
     Charity's bottom jaw hit the ground, her ears ringing from the gun shots and her world began to move in slow motion. Her two friends flopped onto the ground and bled from their heads with their eyes wide open and teeth still revealed. They didn't breath or move again.
     "Noooooo!" The Alpha could feel tears gathering in her eyes.
  "You're amazing, Alpha. Truly amazing. You're an amazing leader and friend and I'm so thankful you're here."
"I'm glad you beat me in our fight."
"Glad I did too."
Across, she saw Thyme sobbing with tears streaming down her face. The same with Rosita behind her. With tears flowing down her face, Charity knew she had to save the pups.
     "Cori, Kimora, Thyme, Suzie! Grab a pup and let's get out of here!" She turned to the Patrol Dogs behind her. "Meet us in the prairie! Go!" Macy nodded and sprinted away without hesitation, her patrol following her.
     The Windhound looked forward to see only Dash and Forest taking cover by High Rock. Charity leaped across right into the Medicine Den, her pack-mates she ordered each held a pup, only Sky remained. She gathered the last pup in her jaws and prepared herself to run for her life.
     "Alpha, what's happened? Why is everyone crying?" Sky whimpered.
     "Where's Mother and Father?" Crimson yelped.
     The other pups whimpered and quivered, frightened.
Charity didn't answer them and leaped out of the Medicine Den. The humans barked in surprise to one another. She turned to Forest and Dash. "Follow me!" She sprinted out of camp and into the trees, Cori ran by her left side and Kimora at her right. She and her pack ran together for their lives, bullets flying by. One skidded by and grazed Charity in the hip. She yelped but continued to run. As soon as the prairie was in view she ran faster, she could see her patrol dogs crouching in the tall grass. She laid next to Rose who trembled, unsure of what was about to happen. Her other pack-mates copied her actions and they all hid in the grass, hoping, praying that the humans wouldn't see them.
     Five humans emerged from the trees and gazed around, looking for their prey. The largest one grumbled angrily then him and his followers disappeared into the forest.
     Each dog sighed in great relief. Finally, the nightmare had ended.

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