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"So, I was totally thinking," Brendon starts, grabbing the magazines off of his computer desk and tossing them onto his bed, "that we should look through these tux mags and pick which one we want. You know? So we can match, but not, like, completely."

Ryan's already sitting cross-legged on Brendon's bed, leaning against Jon's shoulder. Spencer's there too, laying on Brendon's bed as well, spread out on the top half and twirling his thumbs. Brendon thought it would be a good idea if Spencer came to help them out, and Jon's pretty much there for moral support for Ryan.

And, well, Ryan and Brendon... they don't really know what they are. They're together, but no one has made it official? So, yeah. That's how far it's gone. Together-but-not-really. It's nice, though, Ryan likes how much Brendon's mother fawns over him like he's the cutest little thing she's ever come across (which is what she told him). He also likes how embarrassed Brendon gets, because it's just that adorable.

He scrunches his nose up, watching Brendon push Spencer aside so he can sit on his own bed. "Tuxedos? Really, Brendon?"

Brendon pushes Spencer's hand away from his face to look over at Ryan. "Well, yeah... I thought that's what guys wear to prom. Unless I missed the memo that we go in pajama pants or something."

"No, we don't," Ryan laughs softly, shaking his head. "But I don't know if I really want to wear a tuxedo. Can't we just go in dark jeans and a button up shirt?"

"Pfft, what's the fun in that?" Jon asks, looking over at his best friend. "The entire point of prom is to take, like, seven months planning out everything for one day."

Spencer smirks. "He's right. But we don't have seven months, we have less than two. But at least you two don't have to worry about girls or anything. Well, except your mom's."

Ryan nods and scratches his arm. "Once my mom found out I was going to prom, she cried. Not even kidding, she sat on the couch and started bawling."

"I was a witness," Jon includes, nodding in agreement.

"My mom ordered us a limo," Brendon announces meekly, causing Ryan to look over at him with sharp glare. "I know you said no limo! I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. I'm sorry."

"Well tell her to un-order it," Ryan whines. "I don't want to show up in a limo and make a big deal out of everything. It's just prom."

Spencer sits up and looks over at Ryan with a raised eyebrow. "Do you know how many kids strive to make this the best night of their lives? A lot of people think it's more than 'just prom'. They make a huge deal out of it. My sister is a sophomore and she's dating Pete. Why? I don't know, but her and my mom are freaking out over prom. I'm way too happy I'm not going."

Jon nods. "Me too, man. Prom is cool and all, but I seriously don't want to go through all that hassle. I'll be just fine hanging out at my house, eating ice cream and watching repeats of movies all night long."

"Amen to that," Spencer agrees.

"Why don't you two hang out that night then?" Brendon suggests, grabbing one of the magazines in front of him and flipping through it. "If you guys have nothing better to do, I mean."

Both Jon and Spencer look over at each other before shrugging. "If you want to? I'm totally cool with it," Jon tells him.

"Yeah, sure," Spencer says, grabbing another one of Brendon's magazines and mindlessly flipping through it. "Brendon, you should wear a baby blue suit."

"Suck it, Smith. Suck it hard."


Ryan's flipping through his Algebra 2 notebook, huffing through his nose in annoyance. He's seriously been looking for his test notes for way too long, and he doesn't know why he can't find them.

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