4:15 AM

30 4 0

Do you like music?

What are your favorite artists?

What's your dream job?

Are you dreaming about me?

Of course you are!



Try me bitch. You don't know who I am.

If I did know, you would be in trouble.

Oh I know :-) Good thing I didn't claim my tacos yet.

You need to get better timing skills. Why so early? Now it's going to be time to get up by the time I actually find sleep again. What is wrong with you?

What's wrong-everything!

How come you are never asleep at this time?

I don't particularly like sleep.

How? It's the best part of my day!

I thought talking to me was the best part...

Ha! That's probably the worst! Especially when it is the early morning and I am a light sleeper with my phone all the way up and my ringer on. So thanks :-|

You are very welcome :-)

To answer...SOME questions...Music is amazing...I don't like specific artists, and I don't really have one.

You have to have one!

I don't.

Nothing? Not even the average ones?

If you won't stop...an art teacher.

Ah ha! Finally! That sounds fun.

Yeah. What's yours?

A chef. I love to cook!

Then how come you are making me give you tacos?

I am lazy. You giving me tacos has nothing to do with my passion for cooking.

Ah you little ass.

It may be little but it is fine! ;-)

No winking! No! No! Especially not after that!

Sorry XD

Will you let me sleep?

Oh..sure. I just wanted someone to talk to. I find it very hard to sleep

I'm sorry about that but my eyelids disagree with yours.


I guess...

So you are going to stay?


You know, as much as I love bothering you...I like talking to you normally too. I like learning more about you. I learn things I would never learn about you from school.

I wish you would tell me who you are!

Why? So you can track me down and kill me while I lay awake in bed?

That's half the reason. Nah. Seriously though...why not?

It might ruin this. I like this too much.

You have a point. You could be basically anyone at our school.

Not so fast! I gave you some clues.

Yeah about a locker! Wipee!

Hey, eventually you will connect the conversations.

Tell me something.


No! I mean like...about you.



I used to like your best friend, Jillian, in seventh grade...


Yeah. What's your favorite color?

Green. You?


I learn something new everyday.

Me too. 

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