"Smooth Dean...real smooth."

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Title: I Need Whiskey
Author: Onyx Wildcat
Chapters: Just 1
Rating: PG-13 I s'pose
Pairing: Sam/Onyx (OFC)
Warnings: Sam and Dean arguing like four year olds...aka Comedy
Spoilers: None
Feedback: Of course I could always use a little luvin' lol
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that pertains to the Show Supernatural. This is merely for non-profit entertainment for other writers/readers who enjoy the 'What If' pondering when thinking of Supernatural and all it's Supernatural goodness.
Onyx's Note: This is just a very short little drabble of none-sense. Written back in 2007. This is me, well, 23 year old me, placed in with our favorite boys...where I allowed my silliness to come out. Basically this is what would happen if I were to have met the boys 10 years ago in their universe. It's random and just cuts off at the end...because that's just how I wrote it. Alot of SPN Fans as well as fans of my writing style really got a kick outta this. As always, enjoy!

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"Dean, where are you going?"

"You see that sweet thing over there, with the long legs Sammy?"

Sam glanced over to the end of the bar and gave his older brother a look.

Dean winked and grinned, "have fun Sam!" He exclaimed with a pat on Sam's back and slid off his stool, beer in hand to go chat up his conquest for the night.

Sam just shook his head, glancing around him and went to put the tip of his beer to his lips when he stopped. Just to his left, at the very far, left hand corner of the bar was a dimly lit booth. Sitting there, was a young woman with copper colored hair. She had an intense focus drenched on her doll like features as she held a book in one hand, a cigarette in the other. Taking slow drags, she let the smoke dance and swirl away from her full lips as her large eyes seemed to fly over whatever she was reading.

The more he stared, the more he wanted to go over and introduce himself. It was a very rare thing to find a beautiful young woman, around his age, in the corner of a smoky bar, reading a book. Sam downed his beer, left the empty bottle on the top of the bar and slid off his barstool.

"Excuse me," Sam pulled her attention away from her book and felt his courage falter when she shot him an unimpressed glance. "I'm sorry to bother you…"

"Can I help you with something?" Her voice was a controlled purr, laced with a silent threat that she wasn't in the mood for cheesy pick up lines.

Sam furrowed his brow, ran a nervous hand through his messy brown hair and tried to think of something to say before she blew him off. "Actually…I was curious about your book."

This caused one arched brow to rise, "Stephen King's Pet Sematary." She replied with a hint of curiosity to her calm tone. "What's your name?"

He felt a small wave of relief wash through him, "Sam." He replied and offered her his hand in greeting.

She seemed to consider it for a moment and finally wrapped her much smaller hand in his and gave him a very firm handshake. "It's nice to meet you Sam, call me Onyx." Letting his hand go, she made a decision. "By all means…have a seat."

"Thanks." He smiled, not as nervous as before and scooted into the booth, opposite of the mysterious beauty. "So, what do you think of it so far?"

Onyx placed a blank white business card on the page she was on and closed the book, setting it down to her right. "It's brilliant. My second time reading it actually." She replied, her voice not as emotionless as before except for the slight edge lingering at the tip of her tongue. It was very apparent that she did not trust people. "How many times have you read it, if any at all?" Onyx asked and took another drag of her cigarette, the smoke twisting into a small vortex above her head before vanishing into the air.

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