Like, Totally Rad, Becky.

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That night, I lay awake on the couch.

Augie pulled my mattress through  my bedroom door somehow, and Zoey stole it from him, without a single open ear to my protests.

My phone lit up next to my face, and I squinted to look at who it was from.

Cheeseball: Can't sleep?

I glanced across the room and saw Fox's face in the glow of his phone. I grinned softly and texted back.

Mimi: Yeah, thinking about mom and dad. How come you're still awake?

Cheeseball: Thinking too.

Mimi: About what?

A minute passes and my phone lights up again.

Cheeseball: where did I go wrong? What did I do that made the final decision to end mom and dad's life? Our friendship? Naomi, I miss my cheesy buddy.

I reread the text over and over until my eyes bled over with tears.

Mimi: Fox, you did nothing wrong. Our parents were going to die whether we did everything right or wrong. And for me.. It was my fault. I pulled away when you needed me most. And I'm sorry.

I heard him sigh, and I saw him lumbering over me, arms outstretched.

"Can I have a hug, Mimi?" I nodded and pulled him down by his shirt into a hug, feeling his legs give out and he just laid by my side.

This was considering cuddling, I know, but I missed Fox so much. I had been through more than he has, and we all know it. He didn't get over their deaths per say, but it didn't bother him like it did me. It crept into my mind when I least expected it and ate away at me like I was the conductor of the train that hit them.

That I was they reason they were killed.

I know for a fact it wasn't me, I was over at Fox's having a sleepover and eating way too many cheeseballs, cheese puffs and Cheetos. (That's why we're the cheesy buddies. But I can't eat a lot of cheese like he does, being lactose intolerant and all.)

"Why did you leave me..?" He mumbled softly, his breath fanning my neck. His home was on my shoulder, near my collarbone. That's how it's always been. I sighed, my fingers stroking his shaggy hair. "To be honest?" He nodded, hands holding my hips that have filled out since the last time this happened.

"I had a breakdown I couldn't control. My mind fights against me, and you helped for the most part. And I'm so damn grateful, but I thought you'd leave me like they did.. And.. And.." I steadied my breathing, "and I pushed you away so you didn't hurt me.."

Fox looked up at me, his nose grazing my jaw. "I would never hurt you, Mi... Why would you.."

"I wasn't sure, but.. I was scared so I took precautions." He went back to his position at my neck, but did something he's never done and nuzzled his face into where my neck connected to my shoulder. I froze and blushed at the affection he was showing me. It was kinda like a cat. But the Mcjagger one from Cats The Musical.

"F-Fox..." He hummed in response, the vibrations sending chills down my spine, "what're you doing...?" He chuckled and licked a stripe up my cheek, and I stayed still, my mouth open and eyes wide.

"C'mere!" Since we were whispering, I whispered yelled it and used his shirt to wipe off his saliva.

"I fucking hate you!" Fox held my waist as I wiggled, trying to get away from him. "You love me, short stack." I stopped wiggling and just wheezed out a laugh, and pushed him down, cuddling up to his chest.

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