1. New places

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Chapter 1

      " I've got to feel your touch

                           I want you so much

                                       This is a dangerous love"

-Pat Robinson

"Hi im Rose. Im eighteen and I moved to chesterfield wih my parents for a new start. Let alone did I know that it was all gonna be good".


    I wasn't exited to move to chesterfield, I've only been there once but that was only because of my grandma.Nothing about chesterfield amazed me it all seemed like to many stuck up rich people lived there oh and troublemakers. My mom had me pack all of my belongings which I did.I asked them if I can stay here with friends but of course they say no.

"hunny are you ready grandmas exited to see her grand baby!"I was an only child so I was very babied around here.

"yes mom im just grabbing my bag!" I grabbed my bag and shove my baby lips in it and walk down stairs.

"hunny dont forget your camera" I nod and grab my camera off the table, I really like taking pictures of beautiful things , something people want to look at.When I get in the car I plug my earphones into my phone to take a nap for the long drive.I wake up and its night, we are pulling into a very large house.My mom tells me to go in and tell grandma hi. Walking in I see pictures of me hanging on the walls furniture from when I was nine still sits in the same exact spot. I spot my grandma in the kitchen cooking my favorite food, spaghetti.

"oh grand baby I've missed you!" she ran over to me and hugged me tightly kissing my cheek.

" Hi grandma I've missed you too" she asked where mom and dad were, I told her they were outside and she went. I went to stir the food and my dad yelled for me.

"me and your mom are gonna unpack do you wanna go take pictures" I nod and grab sandles.On my way out I take my camera and my purse.

"wel love you be safe , oh and call us!" Nodding I walk down the street to a open place full of people, I start snap pictures of everyone and the magic. I move my camera to the left and I spot this boy I move my camera away from my face to get a better look at him ,He was gorgeous. He had brown hair , and piercing green eyes, his eyes were so green if you looked into them you could just be under a spell.

He had many tattoos up and down his arms, he was still very beautiful.  I held up my camera and took a picture, he looked at me as I did. I slowly brought my camera down but still kept my head down. He was walking towards me with a glare.

"Excuse me may I ask why did you take a picture of me." I look up and hes staring down at me, fist clenched and so was his jaw.

"Did you know it illegal to take pictures of someone when they dont know or let you?!..hmm?" I didnt know what to say but I said something.

" I-im s-sorry." he chuckled and bent down to my level. My hands are shaking my body wont move.

"It's alright love but if you take a picture of me I want one of you" I look up and shake my head.

"Then I guess I'll have to report you" I shake my head and tell him yes he can take a picture I stand back and look at his phone and he snaps a picture.He looks at it and then me with a grin.

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