5. Meeting your family .

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      songs for chapter 5



1. wouldn't change a thing - Demi lovato

2. change my mind - One Direction

3. sweet nothing - Calvin Harris



       " Rose?.. sweetheart where are you? "


   I inhaled and told my grandma if she could come pick me up not my parents, I really didn't want them to see this. I couldn't believe Harry was that mean, and I got mainly missed when he was gonna kiss the slitch. It a mixed word for s*ut and bi*ch. And slitch doesn't sound as mean. I waited about twenty minutes til my grandmas car Show up. She spotted me and parked her Car getting out. " Who did this to you! "I shook my head because all I wanted was my grandma, not anybody else.

  " Grandma it's Okay just.... take me home please. " She shook her head and grabbed my hand pulling me up. " Listen to me.... don't you ever, ever let anyone see you cry or make you, they don't deserve them. Do you understand me? " I nodded my head and she pulled me in her arms and I held on, hugging her calmed me down I just closed my eyes and she cradled me like a baby.

Once I felt better we started walking to the car and she made sure I was buckled in before she took off. " Do you want anything to eat? " I shook my head No and she continued home. I hope my parents aren't home, I really don't want to talk time them right now. " Is mom and dad home? " please say No. " She shook her head and said they went out to dinner and I felt so much better. When I got home I walked up stairs to my room having nothing else to say to my grandma.

  I decided maybe I need sleep, a peaceful sleep. I changed into a shirt and some underwear. Laying in bed I put my phone on the charger and turned off my lamp.


    I didn't really sleep last night I cried most of the night so I woke up so tired. I went to shower then I took a bath after because I wanted to relax. My mom banged on the bathroom door and I told her to come in. One thing I always didn't do was lock the bathroom door only because I got scared. " So how was the party yesterday? "my eyes shot open and I looked at my mom and smiled. " It was fun! " I say with as much enthusiasm as I can.

  " Good to hear.... what do you plan on doing today? " I shrugged and closed my eyes. " Okay. well me and your father are gonna go visit a friend later and you have to come. She was very close to grandma always helped grandma while we traveled. " I nodded and she walked out. Really I just wanted to be left alone. I closed my eyes and thought of everything mainly Harry. Some how I couldn't get him out of my head.  I got out of the bath and pulled the drain, I didn't know what to where so I looked through my closet and picked out some shorts with rips on the bottom. And a plan black shirt. I grabbed my black saddles with Rhine stones on them. I brushed my hair let it down I really didn't care. I lotion my body and grabbed my side bag with my phone and camera going down stairs. My mom had a bowl of fruit for me and I smiled because I love that.

  " Where you going? " I swallowed some fruit and said, " Pictures there's a lake I found and I want to take pictures. " my mom nodded an I walked out the door and went on my bike. I couldn't wait to get a car so I didn't have to always have to take my bike. I drove to the lake Harry showed me when I first came here. I sat down by a tree and looked at the water, I put my head down and looked at my camera. This place reminded me of Harry a lot, which I loved but also didnt. I lifted it and looked out the lense to see someone standing in from of me, it was Harry. I put my camera down and shoved it in my bag. I stood up and walked over to my bike and Harry ran towards me. " Hey! Why are you leaving? " I looked at him and he smiled, I rolled my eyes and got on my bike. He grabbed the handle and looked at me.

  " Hey!  Why are you being mean to me? "

  " Do  you not remember??!  Harry yesterday ? at louis's party? you were gonna kiss Hannah and I told you to drive me home and you said No! Why on earth would you think I want to talk to you? " He didn't say anything he just stood there and I started paddling. I look back and Harry was staring at me, I turned around and kept going. I looked back again and he wasn't there. I went to a ice cream shop which wasnt that far from the lake. I ordered a vanilla swirled in chocolate, when I was done paying I sat outside eating it. I took my camera out to take a picture of my ice cream and the shop but I had a full memory. I looked around to see if there was a camera shop and j didn't see one. But the I remembered there wasn't one far from home it was on what street?  Oh yeah 106 Malvern street. When I was done I got on my bike and drove close to home. I really wish I had a map, wait you have a phone idiot. I pulled it out of my bag and searched it up and it gave me the way.

   Once I got there I left my bike outside and brought my bag and camera with me. When I went in I saw the girl Harry was talking to that day. I walked over to her and she smiled. " Can I help you? " I nodded and said ," Umm yeah, see my friend Harry got me this camera and I need to get another memory card. " When I said Harry her eyes shot open, I only said it so I could know.

  " Oh Okay well come with me and we'll get one." We walked to the back and look at the memory cards." how about this one?  it holds a lot! " I nodded and she rook me to a register and I paid for it. She looked like Harry a little. Before I walked out I turned around and walked you to Her. " I have a question.... are you Harry's girlfriend? " When I said that she burst out in laughter ." Haha No I'm his sister. " I nodded and turned around. " Are you? " I stopped and turned around and looked at her, she wasn't laughing anymore she looked very serious. " No. " She nodded and sighed.... in relief. 

  well that hurts .

      I walked out of the shop remembering what Harry said to me. "you dont know me ok......shes not a slut do you hear me...dont you ever call her a slut!" well He could if said that's my sister. I went over to my bike and out my camera in the front of my bike along with my bag. I realized I had to be home for Dinner with my mom's friend. It was nice riding and seeing the way people did things over here. When I got home I put my bike in the garage and went in the house. My mom was cooking food and so I went in the kitchen. " Hey sweety how was your day? "

" It was good,  yours?" she shut the oven and looked at me. " Perfectly fine! " I smiled and asked if she needed help. She said no just do get fixed for dinner. When I went up stairs I fixed my hair and made sure I was presentable. When I was done I walked down stairs and took of my sandles . Someone was knocking at the door and my mom told me to get it. I open the door and see a Women with brown hair and a sweet smile. Her husband, he had glasses and a beard. Then I didn't know what to say I see Harry's sister. Standing there , at my door. I noticed Harry wasn't here and I wondered Why.

  " Hi I'm Ann, this is my husband Robin, And my daughter Gemma!  " I smiled and told them my name and let them in. We walked into the living room and sat down. My parents walked in the living room and hugged them all. I smiled, well this is awkward ." Rose take Gemma upstairs and be girls! " We went upstairs and she sat on my bed. We didn't talk just sat there.  " how do you know Harry? " I looked up at her and say, " I met him when I moved here." She nodded and looked out the window. " Why isn't he here? "

  She looked at me and squinted.  " That's none of your business!  "I opened my eyes wide and out my hands you in defence. " Sorry." I sat there for a moment and starred at her, maybe she didn't like him? Well then Why would they talk that day if they didn't. " Well are you just gonna keep starring? " I mumbled a small ' sorry ' and looked away. I was definitely gonna find something out tonight.

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