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Neymar's POV

These past month has been the hardest I've ever faced. My friendship with Leo has slowly faded. Leo spends most of his time with Luis. I don't have anything against Luis it's just that it makes me upset seeing someone else make Leo laugh that isn't me. This month has made me realized that I am in love with Lionel Messi. I knew he never will feel the same. I made the hardest decision I have ever made this month. I decided that I wanted to leave Barcelona. I couldn't stand the fact seeing Leo laughing while I'm dying inside and faking a smile. Once practice has finished I walked to Luis Enrique's office. He knew I was coming in because I told him I was going. He let me in and I sat down in a chair.

Luis Enrique: What's wrong Neymar?

Neymar: I want to transfer to a different club in this winter transfer.

Luis Enrique: You do? (He makes a worried expression on his face)

Neymar: I've thought about it this past month and I'm just unhappy here.

Luis Enrique: Why are you unhappy?

Neymar: I'd rather not talk about that.

Luis Enrique: Neymar, you could trust me I would never judge you for your reasons.

Neymar: It's just I feel like I don't belong here anymore.

Luis Enrique: Is it something between you, Suarez, and Messi? I've noticed you distended yourself from them two.

Neymar: They both distended themselves from me, but Leo did it the most.

Luis Enrique: And how do you feel about Leo?

Neymar: (he smiles) Leo is such an amazing person he's just perfect. His attitude, everything about him is just so perfect and I'm falling for him.....

Luis Enrique: You're in love with Leo?!

Neymar: Did I just say that?! No of course I didn't say that.. (he let's out a nervous chuckle)

Luis Enrique: If that is how you feel about him I won't judge you. I support you. I'll tell you something you take a week off and go anywhere you want just let me know where so you could think this through alright?

Neymar: Alright.

I walked out of the office and thought about one place to go, Paris. Once I arrived home I quickly booked a flight and packed my bag then I texted Luis Enrique where I was going and hotel I was stay at.

2 days later.

Leo's POV

It's our second practice and Neymar still hasn't shown up. I began to grow worried about him. The guys had tried contacting him, but he went straight to voicemail. What could be going on. We were all currently sitting down in the locker room discussing the situation.

Gerard: Does anyone know where Neymar is at?

Luis: No, which we found strange that he hasn't posted in three days.

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