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James' POV

These past few months have sucked for me. My secret relationship with Cristiano is falling apart and I'm not happy like I used to be in Madrid anymore. Sometimes I feel like shit because I feel like I'm not good enough and lately Cristiano and I have been getting into a lot of arguments which make me feel more shitty. No one knows about our relationship it's been going on for about a year now. Whenever he noticed that people would catch on he'd find a girl to date for a month or so. I'm not going to lie it makes me feel jealous seeing him kiss someone that isn't him. I just wish he would understand me, but he doesn't. I sometimes ask myself why did I fall in love with him at times he looks like he doesn't even care about me. Only about himself and reputation. Our recent arguments have been about a girl that he is pretending to be dating, but honestly I think he prefers her over me. I walked into the building and walked over Marcelo, not caring to check if Cristiano was here or not. 

Marcelo: Hey, what's up? 

James: Nothing, what are you up to today? 

Marcelo: Nothing. 

James: So you aren't going to do anything after practice? 

Marcelo: No, why? 

James: Do you want to come over and play fifa? 

Marcelo: Sure, who else will be there? 

James: You're the first one that I asked. I was thinking I'd invite Sergio, Isco, Pepe, Gareth, and Karim. 

Marcelo: Sounds good then, I'm up for it. 

James: Alright, see you later. 

After practice. 

All the guys had said they were going to show up. I didn't talk to Cristiano at practice. I wasn't ready to have another argument with him. I stopped by the store to by a couple of things. That's when I spotted Cris with his 'fake' girlfriend. He has been with her for about 5 months. Which is long and I'm not liking that idea. I heard him tell her that he loved her which made me sigh and grab the rest of the things I wanted and made my way to pay everything. Once I finished with everything I drove back home and saw some cars pulling in. 

Sergio: James, there was a change of plans. 

James: What were the change of plans? 

Pepe: We invited a couple of more of the players and we decided to go to the club. 

James: I'm not in the mood count me out of it. 

Isco: Are you sure? 

James: I'm positive. 

Marcelo: Guys, I'm going to stay with him. 

Gareth: Alright, we may show up later. Bye. 

James: Why aren't you going? 

Marcelo: Not in the mood to go clubbing. 

James: Thanks for staying. 

Marcelo and I have been playing for about a hour. Marcelo and I have tied the amount of games we had played. We've been having a good time. Talking, drinking, and enjoying our drinks together. We heard a knock and I sighed. 

Marcelo: I'll go get it, it must be the pizza I ordered. (he gets up) 

I didn't have a good feeling about whatever was waiting on the other side of the door. That's when I heard Cris' voice I let out a loud sigh. I got up and walked to the door. Cris looked at me and then at Marcelo. 

Cristiano: Hey Marcelo could I borrow James for a moment? 

Marcelo: Yeah, sure. Where do you want to talk to him? 

Cristiano: Just stay in here we will talk outside. 

Marcelo: Alright. (he closes the door) 

James: What do you want? 

Cristiano: Why is Marcelo here? 

James: Because I invited him here? 

Cristiano: Why did you invite him here?

James: Because I can? 

Cristiano: You know today we were suppose to spend time together. 

James: I assumed you would forget about it. 

Cristiano: Why would I forget about it? 

James: Because of this 'fake' girlfriend of yours. She suddenly matters more than I do. It's been 3 months since I've heard I love you coming out of your month, but you told her that today. I'm tired of us constantly fighting over the dumbest shit. I'm just done. I'm breaking up with you. 

Cristiano: You don't know what you're saying James. 

James: I do, I'm tired of you constantly not wanting anyone know about us. Our teammates would support us, but you just care too much about yourself and your stupid reputation. So I'm just done with this. 

Cristiano: So you're throwing the year we had together away. 

James: The year wasn't nothing. All it was you dating different and me just being with you. Do you ever realize how you just kiss those girls doesn't hurt me? Especially now that you're with your girlfriend. You don't care, so just forget there was ever an us. We are done. 

Cristiano: James, please. I'll make it up to you. 

James: You had a year. 

Cristiano: Babe, please. 

James: Don't call me that. 

Cristiano: You can't leave me I'm in love with you.

James: Sad story for me. I'm in love with you too. I just chose to be done with your fake love.

Cristiano: Whatever, but if you ever want me back. Just remember I'll be there. 

5 years later. 

After that day Cris and I broke up he had tried many ways to get me back, but nothing would get back. That's what I thought. It was one game that had changed my whole entire life. We had won, it was a huge win. I had scored and so did Cris. After that game some of us had gotten interviewed and Cris was one of them. He told everyone that a year he was a year long relationship with me and that I had broken up with him. He had also said that he was gay. Ever since that day Cris got me back and now we are happily together.  

Cristiano: James, could you come here? 

James: Going. (he walks over to Cris) 

Cristiano: I wanted to tell you something. 

James: What is it? 

Cristiano: (he gets down on one knee) I knew since the day I had lost you that I had to get you back. The first year we were together was rough for us because of the mistake, but I am glad fate had brought us back together. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll love you unconditionally. I love you, baby. So will you do me the honor and marrying me? 

James: Yes, of course! 

I hope you enjoyed it. Remember you could comment in any chapter or pm for a request. 

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