Okamis warning and Zabuza's return

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Me and Sakura were at the bridge guarding Tazuna at like 6 in the morning for the whole day and man was it BORING! Sakura yawned really loudly and got dissed by Tazuna for being lazy. I had to hide the urge to laugh.

"So where's that weird blonde kid and the other one?" Tazuna asked.

"Their training, by climbing trees." Sakura said.

"What too tough for you two?"

"No. In fact, I'm the best. That's why sensei sent me here to guard you." Sakura said with her nose in the air. I scoffed and looked out over the ocean.

"And what about you, wolf girl?" Tazuna said to me.

"I managed to finish the training so I'm here to help out with guarding you." I said.

"Hm." He said and dropped the wood he was carrying.

I turned back to the ocean and heard a man telling Tazuna he quits.

"You're telling me now you want to quit on me, just like that?! You're kidding!"

They started arguing and it was getting on my nerves. I didn't need this so early in the morning. I growled in annoyance and went to a huge pile of wood and started carrying them to were Tazuna put his.

"Natsuki! What are you doing?" Sakura asked.

"What the hell does it look like. I'm helping Tazuna with the bridge because I'm not a coward and am sick of sitting around!" I snapped and dropped the wood on the pile. Tazuna and the other man stared at me as I went back for more wood.

"See she's only a kid yet she's helping out and not running away because she's scared of some little man!" I heard Tazuna yell. "It's already noon now. Let's have a break for lunch." Tazuna said and walked away from the man.

I went to lift up another few logs of wood when Tazuna placed a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks kid. But you can have a break now." I nodded and dropped the wood and walked with Tazuna for a while.


At dinner Naruto and Sasuke were wolfing down all of their food and ended up just throwing it back up when they got up too fast. Sakura started to yell at them which started to give me a headache so I got up and left the table.

"Natsuki, where are you going?" Kakashi asked.

"To get some fresh air. These idiots are all giving me a headache." I growled.

I walked out of the house and jumped up into a tree a little bit away from the house. I sat down and stared up at the dark sky littered in stars.

"Hey Okami, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Do you think I'll get stronger than I am now?"

"Yes. I believe you would."

"How can you tell?"

"In all of the years I have lived in this world, you are the only one I've meet who has the greatest potential. I chose to live in you because I felt your abnormally large chakra the minute you were born."

"Was I really that strong when I was a baby?"

"Yes. You still are, but the minute I fused with you body, your chakra increased to almost a godly level so your clan sealed most of your power away in fear you would become 'unstable' and destroy everything."

"Am I really that strong..?"

"Mmhm. When the time comes I will be the only one who can keep you sane when the seal is broken."

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