Until We Meet Again

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~ Naruto's POV ~

It's been three months since Sasuke left Konoha, and Natsuki following after. It was a surprise to all of us to find her gone. There was no warning. No note. It was like she disappeared in the span of a single night off the face of the earth.

Me and some of the other genins went out to look for her the minute when found out she was missing. Me, Kiba and Shikamaru were the first to volunteer. It took alot of persuasion seeing as we were still in hospital.

Even though we tried our hardest to find her and bring her back, we couldn't. The rest of the village pretty much celebrated the fact that my best friend was gone for good. Me, Kiba and Shikamaru got into a few fights when they said things that were way over the line.

The Natsuki right now reminded me of how the old me used to be. The me that the village despised.

I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts and finished up cleaning my house for the first time in ages. Ero-sennin was going to take me away from the village to train and get stronger. He knew what my goal was; to bring both Sasuke and Natsuki back for good. He knew that was my mission and I wasn't going to change my mind. I don't know when the next time I will return home will be so I thought I should prepare it for when I do come back.

"Well, I guess that about does it." I wiped my brow.

My eyes unconsciously flickered to my photo of Team 7. Everyone was smiling, except me and Sasuke. I stared at the image of Natsuki, her smile was by far the brightest.

I smiled, grabbed my bag and walked out the door. Only looking back for a moment before closing it and heading off to the front gate of Konoha.

~ Sakura POV ~

I tapped my knuckles on the wooden door and waited for permission to enter. As I waited, my mind wondered.

'Sasuke-kun. Natsuki. I promise, Naruto and everyone else will bring you home to the Village, including me. The village hasn't been the same since you two left. The village isn't as bright as it once was and Team 7 feels empty without you. Sasuke-kun, Natsuki. I will become strong, strong enough so I can follow Naruto and the the others.'

"Come in!"

I walked into Tsunade-sama's office. Books and scrolls littered her desk and floor.

"Sakura. What can I do for you?" Tsunade-sama asked.

"Tsunade-sama. I've come to ask you to please take me on as your pupil. I will work hard. I don't care what I do but I need to get stronger, I have to! Please, Tsunade-sama. Teach me to be a medical ninja!" I begged.

Silence enveloped the room as I waited for her reply. My face set hard and determined.

"Do you think you can handle it? I'm strict and I will train you hard. Do you still want to be a medical ninja. Know that there is no going back if you choose 'yes'."

My face brightened and I nodded swiftly. "Yes!"

A smile grew on the Hokage's face. "Training starts tomorrow at dawn. Don't be late."


I walked out of the Hokage tower, my head held high.

Wait for us, Sasuke-kun, Natsuki. We'll bring you home!


Well there it is folks! That is that last chapter of Howl of Konoha Book 1.

There will definantly be a seqal where Natsuki and the others take on Shippuden. I don't know when I will post the start of the next book but know it will be soon. I will post a notification for all my followers to see when I do get the second book up, if youre not a follower but love the book, FOLLOW ME!!!! <3

I want to that everyone who has supported me and this book, you are amazing and I couldn't of done it without you!!!! Love you all!!!!! Thanks for beeing loyal to the book and Im happy that my frist fanfiction and completed book has a wopping 10.3K+ reads! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Im happy its that popular ^-^

Its a Christmas mirical I finished the book and that you all again. Merry Christmas from me and Natsuki and we hope to see you again the Book 2!!!!

Bai Bai~

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