6. Oh, Blue

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Blue's POV

I turn slowly and am greeted with the presence of Mark.


"No. Go ahead."He says crossing his hands and leaning against the wall.

"I'm sorry. I just can't stay here.." I confess looking down.

"Right..you can't or you won't?"

"I don't even know him for lord's sake!" I exclaim.

This is ridiculous.

"I understand that, but you can 
get to know him." He reasons and I shake my head.

"It doesn't work like that." I tell him.

"Why won't you let him in?!" Mark yells and I fuse.

"Because I don't know him!" I scream "how many times do I have to say this? I was forced to come here! I didn't come here because I wanted to. So stop with this nonsense!"

With that I spun around, ignoring his stunned face, and punched in the code. The door opened slowly and I walked outside, still fuming.

Chase sat in his Audi while Ruby stared at me excitedly.

I began sprinting toward them and I was almost there until...



Its always me eh' universe.


Theodore's POV

"We have an issue with the girl" One of my employees suggest and I clench my jaw.

"And what may that be?"

"She's a distraction. he says nonchalantly. "Not one we need"

I growl lowly before taking deep breaths.

No need to go off on him.

Just calm down.

"I would really appreciate it, if you kept you issues and comments, to yourself"

He closed his mouth after realizing my tone and I gave a pleased grunt.

"Okay back to the topic" Stephanie says sensing the tension.

She was one of my employee. More like assistant.

She always..tried..stuff, but I really wasn't into her. I mean I gave in a few times because...

I'm a man, she was offering.

I swear I don't do it anymore though.

Not since I've seen Blue.

"We have two unknown enemies, who targeted one of our men yesterday" she informs.

"Hmm. I understand. How long would it take to make them...known?"

"I have Hunter on it sir" Roy spoke up and I nod.

"This meeting is over. Keep up the good work and remember to keep me notified."

Two shooters on the loose, this is not good I have to keep Blue close.

"I don't even know him for lord's sake?"


Everyone stops and gives curious glances at the kitchen door.

"Well?! What are you waiting for? Get out!" I yell irritated.

They just can't mind their business.

I hear more screaming and I shoot up walking to the kitchen.

Mark stands there looking annoyed and Blue is halfway down the yard.

I walk quickly after her with a clenched hand.


She froze.

"Where do you think you're going" I look toward her getaway car and narrow my eyes as a male and a female sit waiting for her.

The female growls and gets out slamming the door.


"What the actual fudge?!" She exclaims.



"Let's go blue."She demands stomping her feet and blue turns around to face me.

"I-I can't stay here Mr. Night"

I clench my jaw and shake my head.

You know what?



Her head snaps up and she looks at me.


"Go. If you wanna leave so bad I'm not stopping you"

Her face turns into one of hurt then curious.

"Are y-you sure? No games?"

"Leave Blue." I challenge.

She turns around and practically sprints into the arms of the female.

"Oh Blue "The female breathes and I fold my arms glaring at them.

If she wants to be free then fine.

Who am I to keep her?

I'll just have my guards watch her...

There's nothing more I can do.

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