9. Uh Oh

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Blue's POV

"Why?" He whined eyebrows joined.

"Because Theodore we should do it normally"

It had been Two hours.

Two freaking hours.

And he's already a sex crazed animal.

"So take you out if a date? And then I can kiss you when I want?" He asks like a five year old plopping on the couch.

"Just one date?" I joke.

"Blue" he drags out again.

"Jeez I'm just kidding you annoying monkey." I roll my eyes and I can practically feel his grin.

Men right?

"Let's go." He says standing up

"Let's go....?"

"On the date!" He exclaims dramatically.

"Theodore" I deadpan "I'm tired"

He pouts and I ignore him. I get up and pull my pants up from the back just to tease him. I'm easily satisfied once a groan is heard.

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"For our date?" He asks hopeful.


"Can we shower together?"

"No Theodore No"

Oh my goodness.

He whines and puts his face in the cushion.

"Are you sure you're a man? Or human?" I joke again but he just stays silent.


Might as well break it to him now.

"I want my own room." I blurt out and his head snaps up.

"What? No." He says shaking his head almost as if he was scared.

"Please Theodore, we shouldn't be-"

"Blue, I- shit." He gets up and punches the wall. I flinch and look at him quizzically.

"I can't sleep without you." He states staring at the hole now left in the wall.

"Y-you used to do it before..." I try.

"I never used to 'sleep' Blue. You're my pill."


"May I ask..why?"

"I'm insomniac" he concludes with a shrug.



"I'll sleep with you"

Wait. What?

"I- I I mean, I'll sleep, in the same bed as y-you, but all we'll be d-doing is uh, sleeping." This is just so sad.

He smirks and walks over to me...slowly.

"I didn't know we could have sex just yet. Wow Blue I must be the luckiest man in the world" he whispers the last part while running a finger in a line on my stomach my breath hitches and I see him leaning in.

I was about to do the same but caught myself.

"Theodore" I place my palm to his lips and he groans letting me go.

"Fine." He grumbles plopping back down on the couch.

I giggle slightly and walk into the bathroom. While undressing, I feel strange like..someone is watching me.

I do a quick once over but find nothing.


A glass shatters.

The window.

I scream and wrap the towel tightly around me.

I stare at the window expectantly. I couldn't move.

"Blue?!" Theodore shouts but my eyes are trained on the window.

"Blue!" He yells but this time he's closer.

Two hands wrap around my waist and I gasp.

"Shhh, its only me baby." I melt in his arms still staring at the window.

What the hell was that?

This one is a little short so I promise a long one today okay?.

Thanks so much for reading lovies.

Enjoy the rest of your dayy

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