Chapter 14

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(The next morning)

I woke up to see Baek snuggled into my chest i smiled and hugged him closer and placed a kiss on top of his head

I decided to get up and cook breakfast for us i went down to the kitchen and decided on bacon and eggs i was still busy making the eggs when i felt someone snake their arms around my waist i turned around and saw a half sleepy Baekhyun hugging me i turned and pecked his head and turned back to cooking 

I felt him rest his head against my back as he tightened his grip he then said "i actually thought ot was all a dream but it isn't...i never imagined you would like me"

I chuckled and said "and why is that?" "Because you are tall and handsome yet so cute you have this bright personality and you are very loving...i just thought why would he like me he can do so much better"

I took the pan off the heat and turned around in hus hug i hugged him tightly and said "hmm have you seen are cute and bright you have a caring heart and since the day i met you o couldn't take my eyes off you pabo-yah since day one i loved you...even if you are obsessed with eyeliner I'm fine with it you remind me of a cute puppy your have this bright smile which just makes me feel better when ever i feel down or when something happens like my nightmares your are there and you comfort me and support me...i love you Byun Baekhyun and that will never change"

As i finished my sentence i placed a kiss right on his lips i pulled away and saw him blush i smiled and said "now breakfast is ready let's eat shall we' he nodded and ran to the table like a little kid ah how i love this guy

After breakfast we decided to go to my house a bit then we are going to head out and have fun for the day

On our way to my house i was in thought a bit i was thinking...maybe i should tell eomma i want to stay forever now

I didn't realize we arrived until Baek shook me i came out of my daze and looked at him he chuckled and said "Mr.Park what ya thinking about"i smiled and said "hmm i was thinking of how to tell eomma I'm fine with her adopting me" he looked at me shocked he didn't know she wanted to adopt me so it's bit of a shock to him

I pulled him inside the house and shouted that i was home u saw eomma coming out of the living room she smiled when she saw us her eyes traveled to our hands which are intertwined he smile got bigger and she wiggled her eyebrows at us

Which caused me to laugh i smiled and said "eomma i have some good news"she smiled and told us to go to the living room and we can talk there

We walked to the living room me and Baek sat next to each other he looked at his lap the whole time we were waiting for eomma why is he so nervous

When eomma came in she sat in front of us and i said "okay first...eomma do you still want to adopt me" she nodded her head excitedly and said "more than you would know why"

I smield and said "eomma how about we start doing the paper work then i want to stay" she gasped and smiled happily at me her eyes were twinkling i then said "and now the other news eomma meet my boyfriend Byung Baekhyun" Baek's eyes shot up to me looking shocked i chuckled at is reaction

Eomma started to squeal like the fangirls at school and cheered "CHANBAEK CHANBAEK" next thing i knew Seulgi came into the room with her friends behind her she looekd like she wanted to say something

But her eyea caught our hands and she gasped she looked at eomma and eomma nodded she squealed as wel and started to cheer "CHANBAEK CHANBAEK" like eomma did and her friends following her

I looked at Baek who was laughing at everything that is happening i started to laugh as well because i finally feel like I'm at home with the person i love the most

We headed upstairs to my room when everyone finally calmed down we sat on my bed and Baek said "why did you ask your mom if she wanted to adopt you still did she offer it before or what?"

I chuckled and nodded "you see before i came here i was living with Minseok hyung...Eomma was adopted by his family she was also like me taken in and sent basically what happened was she made me feel wanted since the day i met her she offered that i have like a trail run here like i would be in foster care byt she wanted to adopt me but she didn't want to push me to much so she told me if i didn't like it here she won't  force me to stay...then i met you and i already thought of staying and as we got closer i wanted to stay more and after yesterday i never want to leave this place nor do i want to leave you"

He smiled happily and said "i won't make you regret your decision then I'll make you feel happy here okay" i nodded and smiled at him

I then also realized i told mom he is my boyfriend which is indirectly see i never asked him

I decided to ask him so i pulled him closer and hugged him from the back him resting into my chest i then whispered into his ear "hey do you feel about being my boyfriend" he looked up and our eyes met he smiled and said "i thought you'd never ask" he then kissed me and said "there is the answer to your question" i leaned forward and whispered again "i have the cutest boyfriend ever" he laughed and said "and i have the most handsomest" i then pecked him on the lips

Finding Forever//ChanBaekWhere stories live. Discover now