The Meeting

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  When she arrived home, Tara checked her mailbox. And there it was. A big white envelope. She opened it with enthusiasm and it read: Congratulations Tara Vilgret! You were chosen with four more teenagers to represent Grildertum this year! 

   Tara was so excited. She run indoors and told her mom the news. Her mom fainted of happiness. Her faintness didnt last too long. Then she stood up with tears in her eyes and hugged Tara. Tara was both happy and sad. She will be able to visit Zombie Planet but her mom will be so lonely in this house all by herself. She had to attend a meeting the same night. She ran to her room and opened her closet. She passed her hand through every single dress without deciding which one to wear. 

   Night arrived so fast. She ha to return to the old looking building at 8pm. It was 7pm. Her mom was ready. Tara's mom waited downstairs. Tara then went downstairs with her favorite dress, a short pink dress with long sleeves. 

"Ready hun?' her mom asked.

"Yes mom.......... this may be the last time I see this house...." said Tara.

"Dont say that Tara, by the end of the year you wil be home safe and sound and RICH!!!" It seemed to Tara as if her mother cared just for the money. 

"Ok mom, Im gonna stay positive.....*whispering* and brinng you the freaking money" 

"OK dear, Lets go, Its almost time"

They both got into the car and started their way to the building.

Their journey seemed so fast. She said goodbye to her mom in the parking lot. Her mom wasnt allowed to enter.

"Bye mom, I love you so much.. I promise Im gonna stay alive just for you"

"Bye dear.. *crying* I love you too, Please be dafe and kick some zombies asses" She tried to laugh to hide her sadness.

THey both hugged and her mom kissed Tara on her cheek. As Tara walked away she could hear how her mother was crying.

Tara tried not to cry. She had makeup on and didnt want it to get ruined. She just walked holding her tears. She entered the room. There were 4 teenagers more. All of them were sitting aorund a big table. 

"We were all waiting for you Tara VIlgret" said Mr. Morris.

"Sorry Mr. Morris. Hi everyone" 

"Ok Tara you may sit down"

The only seat that was available was the seat next to the blonde girl with deep blue eyes. She inspected the persons around her. 

"Time to know each other, lets start with you Tara"

"Ok. HI. My names Tara. Im 17years old, Nice to meet you"

"Nice now your turn" He pointed to blonde girl besides Tara.

"Hi everybody. My names Lucy. Im 16 years old." 

"Nice", said Mr. Morris," now your turn". He pointed a tall boy with dark brown hair.

"Hi, my name is Phillip and Im 17 years old"

"Nice and last but not least: Your turn!" He now pointed a shy guy with black long hair.

"Hi name is Darrel. Im 17 years old".

"OK!", said Mr. Morris. As he finished his two letter word. The building started shaking. Everybody seemed scared except for Mr. Morris of course. The all of the sudden everything became pitch black. Tara grabbed hands with the other teenagers in the room. 20 minutes later lights came again. Though now they werent in the dining room, now they were in a room that looked pretty much as a training room. They were all shocked. Suddenly they hear a voice coming and they all turn around to see the owner ofthe voice.

"Hi guys. My name is Dan and I will be your trainer."

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