The Calling

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"Tara wake up dear", Tara's mother said as she entered Tara's bedroom ," the day finally came."

Tara woke up. Still wanting to sleep more. She went to the bathroom and washed her face. She saw herself in the mirror trying to find herself under her messed-up and long curly hair. She took a quick shower, had breakfast and brushed her teeth. She rushed to the living room where her mom was waiting for her.

"Ready hun?", said her mother.

"Yes mom", answered Tara. 

They both went out the house to the car.

Tara was so nervous. This was her second time participating. She was 17. 

After a long distance. The car suddenly stopped. Her heart began to speed up. She was even more nervous now.  She saw thousands of other people walking near them heading to the entrance of what seemed an old building. She could barely move. When she entered, amazingly she wasn't nervous anymore. She could'nt explained herself what had happenned. She lined up as every other teenager in the room waiting for her turn. Her turn to have an interview with the president of Grildertum, Mr. Morris. 

Finally her turn came. She entered the room following the red carpet in the floor. As she entered, she introduced herself.

"Good Morning Mr. Morris, my name is Tara Vilgret and I am 17 years old"

"Good Morning Tara, how are you?" 

"Im fine Mr. Morris. Thanks for Asking". She maintained her posture and her scene of respectfulness. 

"So, Tara, why do you want to be chosen?"

"Because this has been my dream since I was little.... not my dream of being a professional shooter, but my dream of helping my mom economically." 

"So that is it?"

"Yes, sir"

"Fine.... you know that if you die, you'll die forever and your mom will be left alone,right?"

"Yes sir, but the thing is that I am not going to die". Mr. Morris just smiled in a satisfactory way.

"Ok Tara thats it.. Thanks for your time." 

Tara said goodbye and exit the room. Her mom was waiting for her outside with a cup of coffee on her hand.

" How was it hun?", she asked Tara.

Tara replied," It was OK" and headed to the car. Her mom followed her. As she entered the car she saw upwards, towards the sky. She saw a red and dead planet. Artificially made by man. It was ugly. It had a ring full of death and destruction. Yet she wanted to go there. 

When she arrived home, she went to her room and from her window she admired that red and dead planet. It almost looked as if it was going to fall above Earth. Time went by and it was 10 o'clock. She had to sleep for she knew she had school next day. She went to bed and closed her eyes. 

The next morning, Tara checked her mailbox to see if the letter of  "YOU WERE CHOSEN" arrived. But not a single letter was there. She was devastated. She thought that Mr. Morris didnt choose her AGAIN. 

She went to school. She couldnt pay attention at classes. She was really sad. It was recess time. Tara went to the school library and searched for a book about zombies. She searched and searched until she found a book entitled Zombies: Savage and Dead. She grabbed it and readit all recess and all Pre-Calculus and Physics class. She learned a lot of tips for killing zombies. 

"A headshot will do it most of the times" she repeated herself. 

"Shooting arms is quite useless" she continued.

"Hit them in the head with a melee weapon Tara", she was literally talking to herself on her way home. 

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