Part 6

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Wednesday 12:26 pm

"Chris, we need to talk" - I said all serious

"What is it?"

"I need a little space"


"The thing is, I started to get feelings for you. I've never felt like this. The reason why I am cold is because I've never been loved and I've never loved back. I need you to go until I realise what I am feeling."

When I said that his face was looking down.

"Okay, I'll give you space... I've never been so close to anyone before, so I guess I need space too" - he said cold, with no emotion

Friday 4:56 pm

Since Wednesday I was feeling sad or something idk I've never felt many emotions. I didn't go to school

The phone rang. It was the girls. I guess they had their phone on speaker.

"Hey, girl where are you these past few days?" - female Chris says

"Oh, girls good to hear you. But I've been feeling sick, so I couldn't come to school"

"You want us to come to your house?" - Vilde asks worried

"That's a great idea"

5:13 pm

The door bell rang and i opened the door

"Hey, I missed all of you" I said and hugged them all

"We missed you too" - they said back

We watched movies, went shopping, ate pizza, and just had a good time.

"Hey, what happened with Chris?" - Sana asked

"I said I needed a little space and he said the same and now he's living in his house"

"Why you need space?" - Noora asks

"Well, it's hard to explain. I guess this sudden friendship with him was little stupid"

They didn't say anything, because they knew what I mean. He's the biggest fuckboy in school. Even though I'm the "heartbreaker girl"

"Hey, tomorrow you're coming to the penetrators party, right?" - Vilde asks

"Actually, I have to meet with my parents, so I can't. Sorry girls" - I lied. I just didn't wanna go. I guess it was because of Chris.

"Okay, see you in Monday then, bye" - they said and left

Saturday 9:45 pm

The bell on the door rang. I opened it and saw Chris

"Can I come? I brought you food." - he looks at the pizza

"Chris, what are you doing here? Aren't you at the party? It's in your house"

"Oh who cares? I wanted to see you"

"Chris, stop. I don't want you here." - I said and closed the door

He started knocking on the door but I didn't opened it and in the end he left

▶Cold Hearts | Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now