3. Chloe is a Little Turd

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I promise, it'll pick up after chapter 7 a bit more! I know it's going a little slow right now


Over the past couple weeks, I've come to learn that the annoying blond girl's name was Chloe. Man have I been itching for someone to put her in her place! She just prances around like she's the queen of Egypt, an almighty god pharaoh thing, treating others like gum on her shoe. 

But today... whooooo boiiiii....... I've been trying to contain myself in terms of insulting people in the school since talking to Adrien, since I realized I kind of scare students away. I can't seem to restrain myself from being sarcastic but as long as I don't scar anyone for life, who cares.

But today.... Alright, I'm a beautiful, handsome person, and I was not about to let that little turd Chloe get away with her comment!

I was just casually walking up the steps of the school to go inside and I hear her talking to people behind me. "You look totally fab! Uh no, not you."

When she passed me however, she casually glanced in my direction, "Hey, it's still a month from Halloween you know!"

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?" I asked her as I walked inside, "You look like you're more ready for Halloween than I am."

She scoffed indignantly, "Well what's that supposed to mean?"

I eyed her, "Simple, I'm not the one who looks like a character from a horror movie." Of course I was thinking that annoying cheerleader character who always seem to get satisfying deaths. Ahhh how nice. Not that I wanted her to die, I mean I was a decent person after all, but maybe something to terrify her or humiliate her.

"How DARE you! Don't you know who I am?!" She ran in front of me, trying to block my way to the library. Her friend, Sabrina, following closely.

"The school's local whiny brat?" I raised an eyebrow and walked around them. I had always found it slightly odd that Sabrina mostly just tagged along with Chloe when Chloe was prancing around talking. She didn't really say anything unless Chloe prodded her to.

At this point, steam was coming out of her ears, "I am Chloe Bourgeois! Daughter of Mayor Bourgeois! As in the mayor of Paris!"

"Oh! So that's why this city is so messed up! That makes perfect sense," I feigned, "I just thought everyone here was crazy, but that clears it up, thanks!" I look at her smirking a little before switching back to deadpan and walking up the stairs.

Chloe went after me, "When my father hears of this-,"

"Hey, have you seen the bug spray?" I asked her innocently, "There's this pest following me around."


"Aww does the truth hurt?" It worried me slightly that Fuko was laughing her head off, but maybe this would at least sate her mischief-cravings for the day.

"You'll be sorry!" Chloe threatened.

"Are you going to throw a tantrum?" I pulled out my phone. Technically it was off, but she didn't know that, I could pretend I was videoing her all I wanted, "How cute!" Then I peered at her from over my phone, "Even if it's at my expense, you'll only be proving me right."

She was simply illuminated with outstanding fiery rage. She should apply to become the city's coalburner! Oh I was such a genius! I'm not a big pun fan but I think that one is one was gold!

I put my phone away. I'd had my fun, "You might want to get what you need for class from your locker," I told her, "Class will start soon," and with that I left to go to the library.

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