8. Oh no... She's Back...

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Sorry for taking so long with this guys!! I just had a wrestling match with finals for the past few weeks in which I got body slammed with homework and studying and such! (I won the match tho ;D) And then this is currently mother's day weekend so I've been busy spending time with my mom, planting flowers, making cakes, you know, fun stuff! (also, like wow! I decide to check out how the story is doing and WOAAAAHHHH when I meant 100 views, I was hoping for like 98-101 range but like 125 views?! That's awesome! Thank you so much! AND SOME VOTES?! Don't mind that noise in the distant, that was my brain exploding)

I meant to finish up the part yesterday, but clearly that didn't happen! I finished it this morning, and now I'm going to dedicate the rest of my day to my mom! 

I'll try to get back to publishing a chapter every Saturday! If for some reason I have to change that, I'll let you know!

Have a wonderful Mother's day and give your mom a gigantic hug!! (Unfortunately it's not Mother's day in the story, so Félix can't do special mother's day stuff with his mom at the moment!) 

The chapter is further down, below the announcement from WEEEKS ago (was it 6 weeks ago? wow I'm so sorry! But I'm back now!)  

Last thing! I've got to re-enter Félix sass/snark mode still, so this chapter isn't too snarky (one of the reasons I delayed it was to try and make it snarkier but ultimately failed) anyways, enjoy!


Hey guys! Quick announcement! This'll go on a two-three week hiatus (I may post a chapter or two if I somehow manage to complete it), I might extend it with no warning if I get too busy during finals.

"But Keet! If finals aren't now, why are you taking a hiatus?"

Reason for hiatus now is because I found an apprenticeship application for character design and animation and the deadline for that is April 16! I'm going to apply for this! Problem is, all the art pieces I would normally submit (while good and quality art in their own right) are not what they're looking for in the art portfolio! So I'll be spending the next few weeks drawing like crazy!! It's going to be hard, but it's going to be fun! I need to make a bunch of art of designs of Original characters of mine (and show their personalities in the designs no less!) I need to demonstrate that I know how staging, movement, and emotion through body-language works (aka, DRAW A BUNCH OF COMICS)  (Oh! If you want a taste of my art just look at my avatar!)

ALLL that of course, while juggling my actual college assignments! 

So unfortunately, Félix's bad luck is biting him in the butt here and freezing him in time until I can peacefully get back to writing his stuff! (by peacefully I mean, not having anxiety attacks because I should be studying or doing some other homework) I hope that by the time I come back this story will have over 100 views!!

Also! When I finally appear again, I will simply be uploading the next chapter underneath this message so that the number of parts match the number of chapters still

Wish me luck! :D


"Hey Félix," Paws appeared from behind the bookshelf.

I gave him a sideways glance, "What do you want Paws?" I asked him blandly before going back to filing books.

He blinked, as if taken aback by my reaction. "Oh well, um... I came to return your jacket, thank you for letting me borrow it," he held out the jacket that was neatly folded.

I stared at it, "I thought I told you to keep it," I looked at him. "Were you not paying attention?"

"I thought you meant borrow," Paws frowned.

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