Just a dare or more?

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"NO!" I yelled as I held onto the stair railing of my home.

You see, I was dragged down from my bedroom to play...Truth or Dare. Yup. Call me stupid but somehow, the words, "Alright, I'll play." Just slipped out  of my dumb mouth. And of course, my crush, Anthony Padilla was here as well. And someone dared me to kiss him. ME to kiss HIM. Ugh! I honestly hate my friends so much right now...That, and I really need to learn when to shut up...

 "COME ON! you have to do the dare!" All my friends except Anthony shouted, as he was one of the people to protest against the damn dare as well. Ah, but life never goes the way the people want or expect it to. And to be honest, me and him BOTH should have seen this event happening sooner or later. 

"I HONESTLY DON'T CARE RIGHT NOW I JUST WANT MY PRECIOUS BED!" I cried, still clinging onto the stairway as if my life depended on it.

I hate my friend, (BFF's name) so much right now! She/he dared me to kiss my crush Anthony Padilla! Yeah, Anthony Padilla, the famous Youtuber, one of the people who started SMOSH along side with Ian Hecox. I've had a crush on him ever since I first saw his face on my computer screen. Yes, I was a fan of him before, don't judge. But...I doubt he likes me back. There are a bunch of other girls who want him too! I'm not the only girl part of his life. Ah! Anyways, back to the situation at hand. So I tried my hardest not to turn red just from staring directly at him in his gorgeous, chocolate brown eyes...Wait, what!? Me and my stupid daydreams. Anyways, I went over to Anthony and kissed him on the cheek, I couldn't hold back anymore as my face turned crimson red, as did his. Maybe I do have a chance with him...No! Don't get you hopes up, (Y/N)! You know better! Remember he's famous and lots of other girls want him. Actually, I clearly recall two of my friends in here who were absolutely head-over-heels for him! I bet they're sulking in one of the corners somewhere.

"ON THE LIPS!" Everyone chanted. I swear our neighbors are gonna call the cops on us. I should probably consider packing and running away, yeah?

"GUYS, YOU'RE GONNA WAKE UP THE WHOLE FUCKING NEIGHBOR HOOD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Ow, that hurt. I'm probably not gonna be able to talk tomorrow. Hooray for me, right? But alas, even after my loud cry, no-body listened. It seemed they would only shut up if I said yes. Hmm...Let's see if I'm right.

"FINE!" I yelled as loud as my sore throat would handle. As predicted, the whole room cheered, "YAY!"

I looked over at Anthony, who was looking all over the place, as if he couldn't process what was going on. Poor guy. But, I do have to admit. That clueless expression was so cute on him. I leaned in and only mere seconds before our lips met, I whispered in a calming voice to him, "It's alright, Anthony." and kissed him. I didn't make me feel awkward, like I expected...I guess it was...nice? Okay, sure, let's go with that. Well, actually, I can't really describe it! I was left speechless. I felt sparks no, scratch that. Fireworks as everyone around cheered once more. Ya know, except for those Anthony fan-girls. They just sobbed and read fan-fictions about them and Anthony together instead. After our Oxygen ran low, we parted, taking a breath as I smiled at the brunette, kindly. But I also did not fail to realize his face was now the color of the ripest tomato ever! Okay, I take back all I said. Now THAT is cute.  

"Anthony, may I speak to you?" I asked him before glaring at the 'crowd' Yeah. Crowd.

"Somewhere PRIVATE." I added in before people started closing in a fucking almost SUFFOCATING US!

"S-sure." He stuttered, still trying to recover from the kiss. 

"WOOHOO! YOU GO (Y/N)! GET SOME!" The friend who dared me to do this stupid thing in the first place cheered. I'm gonna kill him/her when this is over with. I quickly grabbed hold of the male's wrist and dragged him from the extremely crowded room into the hall closet, turning the light on inside. 

"Anthony?" I asked in a soft, meek voice, fooling around with my fingers. They're very interesting at the moment to me. 

"Yeah?" He asked, averting his eyes away from me. Our friendship is probably ruined thanks to that stupid dare...

"How do I say this...I sorta...kinda...Oh, I don't know...Enjoyed the kiss?" I said in a questioning tone, looking up at him to see his reaction.

"Oh." Was all I got as my final reply. I could feel my heart shatter as my eye-sight started to become blurred by tears. He didnt like me back? Oh well...My fault for actually thinking I even had I shot to begin with. Haha...Silly me.

Anthony's mouth opened to say something right before I put my hand up, signaling him to shut his mouth, which he did.

"A-Anthony...I get it, you don't like me in that sort of way. Just say it already! You don't love me like I love you!" I cried, collapsing on my knees, burying my face in my hands, tears gathering up on my hands and slipping out, dripping down onto the carpet of the closet. Now I've really done it. I look desperate. I look needy. I look...weak.

"N-no! That's not it! That's not it at all!" He said, sitting down so that he could face me. He slowly reached his hand out to me, as if I was a glass doll and would break into a million pieces even at the slightest wrong touch. I slapped his hand away, turning the other direction. I couldn't bear to look at him.

"Don't touch me. I don't need your pity." I mumbled, holding back a sob stuck in my throat as I stared at the ground with sad and empty eyes. I didn't even look up when I heard a small shuffling and then a soft 'thud' right next to me. I knew he had taken a seat near me. What I didn't expect, however was that he pulled me into a warm embrace, petting my hair, gently and rocking back and forth, trying to calm me down. And it was indeed working. Damn him...

"(Y/N), look at me." He said as he lifted up my chin so I could face him. I couldn't do it. My heart dropped whenever I looked at him now, rather than the warm feeling in my stomach I used to get whenever he simply smiled or laughed. Before I could look away and reject his pity influenced actions, he kissed me. He. KISSED. me. As if my body had a mind of it's own, I kissed back, pouring all my love and compassion into that kiss.

As soon as he pulled away, a small smile appeared on his face as I just stared at him, sort of like he had hypnotized me and I was in a trance.

"A-Anthony..." I managed to gather up the strength to mutter.

"(Y/N), I like you, no, I love you." He said, lifting up one of his arms and gently wiping my tears, and all of my sadness away.

"I-I love you too..." I whispered, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, rubbing my back as my eyes widened and I pulled away from his shoulder with a surprised look.

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled, nothing but surprise still written on my face. Soon that changed as I tackled him in a hug, yelling, "Of course, you dumb-ass!" As I had the biggest grin on my face, as did Anthony. Finally, my friend opened the door, revealing that everyone was there and listening. "Awww!" They all squealed as me and Anthony just rolled our eyes and flipped them off. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe sometimes life can be better when things don't go as planned or expected.

Anthony Padilla X Reader: Just a dare or more?Where stories live. Discover now