rich kids

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ok so i go to a rich school.. but im not rich. usually rich people dont like to assosciate with poor folk like me but theres this one girl.. lets cal her danielle. that is so rich that she can afford to talk to me:o. if u think that shes probs like an everyday rich person than ur wrong... she is soo rich that she finds gold dirty and unnecessary and that diamond is just an everyday rock.

shes the type of girl that becomes depressed when her 'daddy' takes away $5 from her weekly allowance (now she only gets $70 a week). I find her presence not only amusing but i feel that it makes me richer by the second. the good thing about having her as a friend is that she will buy you anything if she feels like it. example: one day i told her that i didnt have a proper bed and she bought one and shiped it to me!! i mean.. wow.

Just this holiday she went to china and lost her samsung galaxy s4 along with 1000 yuan. when she came back to australia she argued with her parents until she got a new phone. not happy with her parents at the choice of her getting an iphone 4s she argued even more until she finally got an iphone 5s.. she is one of the most talented people ive ever met.. not only that but she had to buyit from the most expensive place possible... the american apple store. she couldnt just buy it from a store like cogan due to fear of becoming a 'cheapskate'... she is amazeballs


well i gotta lot of peeps wanning me to update so......

Well today was AMAZEBALLS.. bought this pencil thingy with this dangly dog on it , lets call it Flash because i like that name and it reminds me of underpants.... Anyways once this girl (whom i will call danielle so noone gets offended unless ur name is danielle) saw the dangly dog pencil she immediately screamed and said WHATS ITS NAME!! because im sweaggy i thought of a name that would be very meaningful..

FLASH i told her.... she then started whispering t herself flashy...flashy... and then i realised that all rich people talk to themselves so i calmed down a bit... now the next bit is freaky.. danielle suddenly stopped working and picked up flash like a possesed.... well.. danielle, she started controlling it like a puppet abd whispered flashy..flashy..

i told her that if she really liked flash she should get a real dog.. but im pretty sure she thought flash WAS a real dog. She then started yelling OMAAWDD FLASHY CAN DO BACKFILPS, i turned ariund and i saw her holding it by the neck and flinging it around in circles.. when it landed on teh ground she stated IKKY FLASHYBABY BROKE HIS NECK.. i looked around and he(he??!) looked exactly the same..... She then started rumaging through my pencil case and found a high lighter... She put it down on the groud and lifted Flash to it... FLASHY STAY AWAY FROM THE DRUGS she yelled... i waas purely terrified..

The day ended with a drmatic event..

One of ma friends (elizabeth is her covername) picked up Flash and started playng aroun with him.. Danielle came over and shouted GIVE BAK MY FLASHY!! we told her it wasnt hers but then she started pulling on het other end of it. YOU EITHER LEAVE IT OR IT BREAKS!! elizabeth exclaimed... clearly danielle did not want to leave it and there is layed... Face down.. cut in half...

"wasnt my fault" they both said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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