Chapter 6

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We had finished up our time in London and were now back on tour in Toronto. We were relaxing in Club Rd before the m&g’s and show tonight. My band and family was hanging out with us. I looked around the room and then got up. “Anyone want to go for a walk?”

I started towards the door and Ed and my mom followed me. We started out to the stage and then off onto the floor to the back of the stadium. This place was huge! I smiled and knew that in a couple short hours this place would be filled with tens of thousands of people.

We walked close together to not many anything obvious to the crew and workers that were scattered around getting everything ready for tonight. We got to the highest level, and sat down all the way opposite from the stage and looked out. I had a huge smile on my face - it was crazy to think that I was a fan in a seat like this one once and now I’m performing for them. My mom had left us earlier after my dad called to check in. It was just Ed and my security, who was unobliviously aware of the relationship between the two of us - we were essentially alone. I placed my hand on his lap and we relaxed. We are discussing the show tonight, plans for the next few days, and everything else we could. There was a tap on my shoulder at 4:15 - it was time to do interviews then radio m&g and then the fan m&g. It was going to be a great night.

We had finished up our two shows in Toronto and were now at my house in Watch Hill, Rhode Island relaxing for the few off days we had before heading on to the next stop. Selena was coming for the day tomorrow and Ed had to leave for a show he was doing on his own in the morning but tonight, we were just relaxing, just the two of us in my house.

I had a strip of private beach where essentially no one could see us. We were out there, my hair was pulled back and I was wearing a white sundress. He had on a tshirt and gym shorts, we were sitting on a blanket looking out on the ocean enjoying glasses of wine. It was nice to just relax with just the two if us. We watched the sunset and headed inside, we were in the kitchen, eating ice cream out of the container, laughing, being able to be a couple. I wanted to walk about on the street with him, get dinner, steal kisses and not have to worry about if I’m at home or not. We finished the Ben and Jerry’s and went upstairs. I changed my clothes into pjs and got into bed waiting on him. “I had a great time today, Taylor.” He said and kissed my head, pulling him to him and cuddled me close. “I did too,” I smiled and kissed the forearm in front of me. It was only 9:30, but having jet lag from London catch up to me after two nights of shows at a stadium, I was ready to relax and sleep in. I sat up and kisses him gently, “goodnight Ed, I love you.” “Goodnight Tay, I love you too.”

~~~Flash forward to September 21, 2013~~~

It’s the last night of the tour, the last club red, the last time I’d be performing with Ed, the last time I’d be on a stage for a couple months. My emotions were high, and I was soaking it all in. And, we were in Nashville for the last night. Ed and I were sitting in his dressing room before sound check and everything of the day got started. We had been here for two nights already and I had a blast being at home and doing these shows. We were joking around, when suddenly, he got serious. “Taylor, I’d like to be public after tonight. Hiding this has felt like forever. Can I kiss you on the b-stage tonight?” He reached for my hand but I pulled away, we were at work - even though over the last couple months, my band and dancers, even the crew, and other personnel had caught wind of our relationship somehow, or watching us post show and when I’d have time alone with everyone. I’d guess even in the way that I talked about him and carried myself differently. We had some difficulties and bump along the way but we’ve overcome them wonderfully. I looked back up at him, “Ed. I just don’t think so.” “What if it just happens?” “It won’t just happen - we’re at work.” “It could.” ” Ed please, baby, you don’t have a reputation like mine.” I had gone on two high profile dates this summer so media could speculate and take some if the questioning of Ed and I away. It was a difficult thing to do but it had to happen. “Tay-love, I promise you nothing will go wrong.” He smiled and got up to pull me into a big hug. “Now, should we work on the other surprise we have for tonight?” I kissed him quick, pulled away and grabbed my guitar. “Yes, we should definitely work on that surprise.

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