Death in the Wild

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Perseus was walking along with the most badass group of girls that has ever existed. He held the newest hunter, Lily, on his shoulders as they walked. He was given glares by several of the older hunters but was given cute faces by the younger ones. He was also given curious glances by several of the hunters who were fairly new but had experience.
Thalia came to Percy's side and spoke "Percy... I'm so sorry about what happened. I never knew she did that." She put a hand on his arm as he looked at her. He had his mask on so she couldn't see his sad smile as he spoke. "It wasn't your fault. She lied to you. She lied to all of us." Thalia nodded but curiosity got the best of her. "Percy.... How did you get all those scars and where did you pick up the dark and edgy attitude?" Artemis came up and put a hand on Thalia's arm "Thalia, let him get acquainted with us before he tells us stories."
Thalia groaned but nodded "Sorry, Perce." Percy spoke "It's ok. Don't worry, Thals, I'll tell you all everything." Thalia nodded and they kept walking in silence, only with the sounds of the trees being brushed against the wind as well as the singing of birds.

They walked into a clearing, surrounded by large pine trees. Artemis ordered. "Hunters, set up camp. We settle here."
The hunters immediately broke off to make their tents while Percy was awkwardly standing next Artemis. She looked at him, confused "Perseus, where's your te-" She facepalms at her stupidity "Forgive me, I haven't given you anything." He smiled "No forgiveness needed, Mi'lady. I've come prepared. It's just, I don't know where to put my tent."
Artemis looked around until she figured to put him in the forest so he could work better in the dark and keep an eye out there.
"You'll be in the forest. It seems like you wish to be in the dark and perhaps you can keep an eye out for anything out there."
Percy bowed and walked into the forest then took out his supplies to make his tent.

He went inside and started taking off his armor. Little did he know, Artemis was checking on the camp and stumbled on him when he showed his scarred upper body. She gasped at the so many scars he had. Soon, she had tears in her eyes. How could she feel so much sympathy and sadness for a male? Simple, Percy showed her that not all males were filthy pigs and he's been through more than any of her maidens.
She quickly walked back to the middle of camp and stared at the campfire with dried tear streaks. She didn't acknowledge the presence of her lieutenant sitting next to her. "Lady Artemis? What is it? Were you crying?"
The Huntress Goddess looked at Thalia and spoke truthfully "I-It's Perseus. I saw his body... It's so damaged and scarred. He's faced more hardships than any of my maidens. Why am I feeling so much sympathy and sadness for him?"
Thalia rubbed her patron's back and spoke "Lady Artemis, he earned your respect when he took the sky from you. He's proven to you that not all men are all that bad. But he's faced the hardships of being a demigod. You took him in when he was betrayed by everyone he cared about."
"Not everyone." A voice spoke out to Thalia and Artemis. Percy walked towards them with his armor back on, but without the mask and hood. "Mom and Paul were shocked about what happened. I even got to meet my little baby sister. Lady Artemis, I just want to say thank you for helping deliver my sister." Artemis smiled and wiped her tears away quickly "It was my duty as Goddess of Childbirth. She's adorable." Percy smiled, he hasn't smiled since he saved Lily and the other young maidens. Percy sat down next to Thalia and stared at the fire.

A minutes later, several huntresses came to the camp with the fresh carcass of a large boar. They quickly skinned the boar and removed its major organs, quickly driving a long stick through it and placing it over the fire. Percy took the responsibility of turning their food until it was properly cooked. After everyone got their share of the boar, all the hunters sat down around the fire and spoke happily. Percy was just eating until one Hunter spat at him.

"Hey boy! How did you become so ugly!? Did you burn in a fire because your little girlfriend hated you?" Several hunters laughed with them while several others glared at the hunters and the rest looked at Percy to see his reaction. He was growling lowly but decided to tell them a spooky story of how it happened.
After the girls stopped laughing to look at Percy only to see him smirking and his red irises glowed.

"How about a little spooky story? Once upon a time, in the unresting city of Manhattan. A boy named Percy was walking down a sidewalk, to his mother's house. He was heartbroken and betrayed by the one girl he loved. To his right, sirens sounded and he rushed to the danger. His mother's apartment was on fire. He ran inside, ignoring his mother's cry, to the room that his family lived in. Once inside, smoke filled his lungs and the red flower engulfed everything. Amongst the flames, there was a cry. The cry of a little girl about 2 years old. Her name was Melody and she was Percy's baby sister. He quickly grabbed the young girl, and fled from the room as the flames worsened. Down and down, he went on the stairs as quickly as he could without slipping and hurting the child. As the flames chased him, he saw the entrance to the outside. But soon, the building began to collapse. He knew he couldn't make it, so he threw Melody outside was was caught by her mother and the building crushed poor Percy.

As the dust settled and the flames of hell dispersed, the firefighters searched through the rubble until they found the mangled body. His body was mazed with cuts and pipes and wood sticking out of his body. Sally Jackson cradled the body of her son and cried out to the heavens. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and bane of Kronos, was pronounced dead and in the ashes and shadows, a man in dark robes and a skull mask, crawled out, as if he has come back from the dead. The Reaper rose and stole the souls of his victims then judged them. He now resides with the Hunters of Artemis and what will happen? Well" He chuckled darkly "The ending of this story is far from over."

Several of the hunters were scared but one common emotion was amongst them all, shock. Percy stood up and looked at Artemis "Permission to excuse myself?"
Artemis shook herself from her shock and spoke "Y-yes. Permission granted. Sleep well."
Percy nodded and left the hunters in their shock and fear.
Thalia was almost on the verge of tears while Lily and the other younglings walked off in the same direction as Percy. Artemis spoke "You are all excused. Get some sleep."

After all the hunters walked off to their tents, Artemis walked to Percy's tent to see if he was ok. She heard faint talking so she snuck up on Percy's tent and got a peak of the inside to see Lily, Luna, Ginny hugging Percy while he was silently crying. Artemis watched the scene with her heart wrenching. She kept feeling something in her heart for Percy. She couldn't point it out but she will treat Percy the best she can to make him feel at home. "Percy, I promise you, I will make it the home that camp could never. I'm so sorry for what happened to you." Artemis thought and walked to her tent and layed herself in her bed with a tear in her eye.

Artemis' dream

It was sunny with small clouds and a small wind. There was a camp that was filled with girls in silver parkas. There was a figure in black and silver robes with his hood down and skull mask off.  He looked behind him to look at me and he smiled then did something unimaginable! He kissed me! The hunters were watching and didn't even try to hurt him! What was going on? Percy broke the kiss and looked at me. "Hey Moonbeam. You ok?" I was confused about this whole thing. Until a huge earthquake erupted us and we all looked to see a huge giant woman with green, vine like hair with cracked skin almost like... Dirt. No... It cannot be.... She started speaking "Hello, Lady Artemis. Hello Perseus Jackson. It is interesting to meet the one who defeated my son. I am Kronos' mother, Gaia." Percy was shocked but demanded "Why are you here? What do you want from us?"
She laughed then threw a sharp tree branch at Percy who was too slow to dodge. "NOOO!!!!" I screamed and held onto the man I was secretly in love with. I was crying and heard screams all around me. I saw all my hunters, dead in a pool of blood. I heard loud laughing and looked to see Gaia speak "TO BURN!!!" I looked to see Olympus in flames and all the Olympians laying dead. I felt my hair be pulled and I looked to see my worst enemy, Gration smirk. "Hello my darling. Ready to have that silly oath of yours broken?" He dragged me down into the darkness and I screamed until it was complete dark.

I screamed awake and panted heavily and felt myself starting to cry. I hugged my knees and rocked back and forth, thinking about everything that happened.
Could it be? Gaia is awakening along with the Giants? If so... Then we'll need Percy more than ever.
Oh Percy. I'm so sorry.

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