Death is Under Arrest

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Hey guys!! Sorry for being super late but I finally got it and I have ideas for this story now! Also Happy late Birthday to Percy Jackson and the end of the Second Titan War and Happy Anniversary Percabeth's!! I hope you all enjoy this one!

Percy P.O.V

I woke up in my tent and only wore my pants from my Reaper outfit. My skin was muscled but riddled with scars due to the building collapse. I put my coat and armor on but left my hood down but keep my mask with me. I walked out of my tent and towards the camp so I may find out what to do next.

I look to the hunters on the log and they look at me, but it's not of distaste or disgust. Instead, I see them giving me apologetic looks. I turn my head away and knock on the flap of Artemis' tent and heard a muffled "Come in" I enter in to see Lady Artemis in her 18 year old form, sharpening her arrows and she looks to see me and gives a slight smile. "Yes, Perseus?" I rolled my eyes and asked "Could you please stop calling me that? I feel old." She smirked at my whining and she asks "Would you prefer the Reaper?" I inhale deeply then exhale "OK fine. I give up." She smirked with pride and said "What can I do for you?"

"Well I was wondering if there was anything or any jobs for me." Artemis was about to speak before multiple people shouted "Freeze!" I looked behind to open up the tent a bit to look outside. There were men in black tactical outfits with assault rifles and smoke surrounded the area while they tied up the Hunters. I growled as I looked back at Artemis "Shit." Artemis stood up and held her bow "What is it?" I put my metal skull mask on and growled "SWAT. They're after me." I pulled out my shotguns out of my coat and said "Get your Hunters out. I'm gonna make quick work of them."

I walked out slowly and the SWAT units aimed their weapons at me but paid no attention as I looked at the Hunters then at the soldiers. "Reaper, you are under arrest and wanted for terrorism, destruction of government property, assassination, and arson. Get down on your knees and-" I smirked as I thought of the perfect comeback and shouted "I'M NOT YOUR MOTHER LAST NIGHT!" That seemed to have angered and scared the soldiers as they started shooting all over my body.  Ow ow ow ow. I could hear the Hunters, mainly Thalia, Ginny, Luna and Lily screamed in horror as they watched me get shredded by bullets. I think I heard Artemis' screams as well.

The SWAT team stopped firing as I fell down with blood all over the ground. Ow... That kinda hurt.  The team looked at the Hunters until they heard my dark voice "That was a good try... I think I may have felt that." Black smoke surrounded my body as I stood up and raised a wall of skulls to protect the Hunters then laughed as I picked up my shotguns and spun around firing everywhere, killing all the SWAT units. I yelled "DIE DIE DIIIE!!" I then stopped as the black smoke dissipated. I threw my shotguns down and the wall collapsed into bones which sunk back into the ground and looked at the Hunters and asked "You girls alright?" The Hunters all nodded and I started releasing them from their bonds with Artemis.

Thalia stood up and ripped the skull mask from my face and slapped me in the face "Ow! The Hades, Thalia!?" She glared at me and started shouting "Why didn't you tell us you were a terrorist!? And you killed all those guys!" I growled and grabbed my cousin by her collar and said "I killed them because it was either you die or they die! You know what I went for. I had no choice! I will kill all who get in my way or threaten you!" I put her down but continued "The reason I didn't tell you was because I wanted to be more familiar with you all before I gave out the information that I was wanted by the Government. The assassinations I carried out were corrupt politicians and tyrants as well as killing the parents who treated their children horribly, much like some of the Hunters. That government property were already cleared for deconstruction and I was attacked by old Beef Head himself who charged through it."

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