Gaara's Adventure - Bond With Diyuma

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Gaara was in a white space. He was stupefied.

"Where... Where am I?" he asked himself, and couldn't find answer.

Suddenly a white light flashed into his eyes so he screwed them, and when he opened them again, he bewildered - he was in a green field full of green trees, clean lakes and waterfalls! The sky was blue, and the sun was shining brightly.

He got confused.

"What... is this place?" he murmured again.

"Gaara..." suddenly he heard a loving, soft, soothing voice...

He looked aside and got even more confused - it was a short brown-haired, blue-eyed woman with a kind smile.

But this smile... And this strange feeling... Was it...

Gaara widened eyes and gasped in shock.


The woman kindly beamed.

Yes, definitely - it was his mother, Karura!

Tears filled his eyes.

"Mother... Is that really you?" he murmured.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you, Gaara..." Karura smiled, caressing him on red hair, "You've grown so much..."

"But... I don't understand..." Gaara was stupefied, "You... You died! You died because of me..." he sighed in extreme sadness and the feeling of guilty.

Karura slightly smiled.

"Don't blame yourself, Gaara, dear..." she beamed. "It was our destiny, it seems..." she sighed, and then smiled again: "But I will always be there for you, and protect you... I love you, Gaara..."

"Mother..." tears fell off Gaara's cheeks as he hugged her, "Thank you for everything... It is because of you, your image in my mind, that I could understand how love felt..."

"Oh, Gaara, please, don't cry..." mother softly kissed him on forehead, "Know that I'm always there, watching you..." she beamed.

Gaara was on seventh heaven with happiness as he could finally see his mother.

When the wave of happiness finally passed, Gaara curiously asked, looking around:

"Anyway, mother... What is this place?"

Karura beamed.

"It is the world of spirits. It is reachable only to kind and pure souls which already passed away in your world, the physical world, or to the souls which are still alive, but are bonded with the Sacred Spirit - its guardians".

"Oh..." Gaara widened eyes in stupefaction, and then sighed: "That means... I'm dead?"

Karura slightly giggled.

"Don't be so pessimistic... It's quite the opposite - you're the one who's alive and could still connect with this world..."

Hearing this, Gaara was astonished.

"But... But how?" he blinked in confusion.

"Gaara... You are the chosen one of the Sacred Spirit... You are the guardian of its current earthly incarnation..." Karura beamed to him.

Gaara first was stupefied, but then he widened eyes in shock.

"You mean... Lao is the Sacred Spirit?!" he was astonished.

Karura nodded.

"The soul inside her that other people call 'demon', is in fact the Sacred Spirit of light energy that protects earth, its spiritual beings, and the world of spirits as well. It is the life force that keeps order on the earth and opposes material energy if this latter loses control... However, in these last times the powerful ninja clan of the east stole some of its power, but was unable to control it due to their evil hearts and dark purposes, so the energy turned black... In order to stop this blackened energy from consuming the pure world, Sacred Spirit lent a part of its power to another clan of the east, the one which had good relationship with the nature and the spirits - the Lin clan, which opposed the blackened clan, the Hei. Because of the Sacred Spirit's extraordinary and dangerous powers, and difficult control, it was perceived as a demon by other people, only the Lin clan knew it was a deity.

The Legend of Diyuma (Gaara's Romance #1) (Naruto Shippuden FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now