Finale With Syco

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Ally's POV

While the others went to the lounge, Y/N and I made breakfast, consisting of waffles, mangoes, and bananas with either Nutella or maple syrup. Once the waffles were done, amlnd the fruits sliced, each of carried two plates of food to others. As we enter the lounge, a certain brunette sprints over yelling:

"FOOODD!!" I laugh as I set down the tray of waffles on to the table

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"FOOODD!!" I laugh as I set down the tray of waffles on to the table. We all dig in, like wolves almost, but with cutlery. By the time we finished, all of us were stuffed, and not a speck of food remained. Y/N and I began clearing the plates while Mani and DJ began wiping the table. Lolo and Mila washed the dishes we brought over. During our cleanup, Rob comes in.

"Girls! We're heading to L.A to meet with Simon. Apparently, the flight leaves in two hours. So, go pack your bags!" He says. We nod, and continue cleaning the kitchen, albeit more tense than before.

What could Simon want?


"Babe, whatcha thinkin' about?" I hear Als ask.

"Nothing, just trying to figure out what Simon could want."

"Beats me, I'm sure it's not too bad. We'll be fine, babe." Ally says, calming me down. Six tense hours later, we're in LA, and on our way to Syco Headquarters.

"We're here to see Simon Cowell, for Fifth Harmony?" Rob says to the receptionist, upon our arrival.

"Of course! Fifth floor, second room on the left, number 502." She says. We nod and make our way upstairs. Locating 502, we knock on the door, and it opens to reveal Simon and LA.

"Come in." Simon says bluntly. He motions for us to enter. We walk silently and take a seat at the oval table in the center of the office.

"As you are probably aware, you have been kicked from Syco and Epic Records a couple days ago for failing to finish the show in San Antonio. However, after reconsidering our irrational decision, L.A and I realized that we have made a mistake. We sincerely apologize and hope that you talented ladies will re-sign with Syco and Epic Records." Simon says. I look on as Fifth Harmony send stares at each other. Eventually, they slowly nod, before Ally speaks up.

"Alright, but on one condition.", she starts, "You have to also sign Y/N here." I look at her incredulously.

"Okay. We'll have to hear a demo of her voice first." Ally nods.

"We'll go to the studio just down the hallway." I'm lead, along with the girls, out of the room and in front of a rather large door. Simon unlocks the door and motions for us to enter.

"Alright, what song would you like to sing for us today?" He asks.

"Work From Home By Fifth Harmony." I decide. He nods before directing me in to a sound booth. Four minutes later, I step out of the booth to a chorus of applauses.

"Impressive, Y/N, impressive. I think you got yourself a deal with Syco." Simon says.

"And a deal with Epic." LA adds.

"Why don't we discuss your contract, as well Fifth Harmony's contract further in the office." We nod in agreement, and head back down the hallway to the office. At the oval table, LA pulls out the contract for Fifth Harmony, while Simon is apparently creating mine. The girls silently read their contract, as I look around the room, and well, at Ally too. Simon returns and hands me my contract and a pen. Quickly scanning through it, I don't see anything amiss, until I hit the last page.

Ms. Y/N will consent to work with and join any client associated with Syco and/or Epic Records.

"Does that include Fifth Harmony?"

"Yes, it does." Simon says, weirdly. Completeting my scan of the last page, I pick up the pen, about to sign. Ally stops me, and motions for me to hand the document over.

"Can I read it too?" She asks. I nod. As she reads, I catch a glimpse of Fifth Harmony's contract and it had the same line as mine, only it said exit instead of join.

"Is it good?" I asked Als, and she nodded. I signed mine and she signed Fifth Harmony's.

"Welcome to Syco and Epic Records!" The two men say.

"Now that the contracts have been signed, there is a little bit of business that we need to conduct. As we all know, Y/N has an incredible voice. LA and I have made a decision to, you could say, switch members of Fifth Harmony."

"What do you mean?" I ask, obviously confused.

"You see, Y/N, we have made you a member of Fifth Harmony but, as the name says, there should only be five members, so one of the existing members unfortunately has to go. That will be you, Allyson." Simon says.

"Woah, woah, woah. If I join, Ally stays. Otherwise, I refuse, sir." I say adamantly.

"My dear, that was not a choice. It was an ORDER!" Simon yells. All of us are silent.

"Why Ally?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Because her age doesn't match the rest! She's 20 and the rest them are 16 and 17. And also she can't sing!"

"Think carefully ladies, Simon and I have information that will ruin your careers permanently." LA says.

"Like what?" Lauren asks.

"Pictures from your weed incident. Camila dating Austin for pure publicity, when you guys started. All of you ignoring fans at some point. The list goes on." LA answers. Stunned silence fills the room. Suddenly, a phones goes off, but it's not mine, not the girls, judging by their reactions, same with LA and Simon. That leaves Rob.

"It's a text." We nod and go back to debating about what to do. I see Rob whispering to Dinah, since she was closest to him.

"We will NOT let Ally leave 5H." She says.

"I see, but I'm afraid your contract means that you have to do what we say."

"Then, we would like to resign from Syco and Epic. Y/N as well." She says, shooting us a 'just go with it' expression.

"You cannot! I will ruin you careers!" Simon exclaims, alarmed.

"So be it." Dinah says coldly. We get up and Rob shows us outside where we this gentlemen with a phone in his hand.

Dinah's POV

I couldn't believe Will, our tour manager, was here.

"WILL?" The other girls, excluding Y/N, say.

"Shhhhh, thank Rob. He texted me and told me to come over. I was able to record most of your conversation from when Simon yelled. We have enough to put him and LA in jail for blackmail. I also have reports from your friend Bea, that they are also blackmailing her. Also, I have decided to create my open label, Spirit Records, to which Bea has agreed join. What about you girls?"

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!~Desmond

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