The Ex

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As I pulled up to the house, I noticed five curious faces staring intently out the window. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I helped Aaliyah from the car. We slowly made our way in to the house, hand in hand, before I was forcefully tackled to the floor.

"You are in so much trouble, young lady!" Ally threatens in a motherly tone before dragging me to the sofa

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"You are in so much trouble, young lady!" Ally threatens in a motherly tone before dragging me to the sofa. The others burst out laughing as the follow along with Aaliyah. I quickly give my girlfriend a peck, causing the girls to coo loudly.

"Why were you at my parent's house?" She asks, arms crossed.

"To plead Aaliyah's case." I say, and she looks slightly confused.

"Brandon called while you guys were rehearsing, so I took the call with Aaliyah. Your parents wanted Aaliyah with them, and Brandon wanted Aaliyah with us, as did I." I explain.

"So who's she staying with?" Mila asks, and I let out a giggle.

"Aaliyah, wanna tell her?" Aaliyah nods, and jumps in to her arms, taking Mila by surprise. Her expression turns from one of surprise to a large grin. I feel a set of small arms snake their way around my shoulders before they rest their head on my shoulder as well.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, my Allysus." I say, leaning in to her. We share a loving kiss before being broken up by a very happy Aaliyah, who positions herself directly in between Ally and I. The two of each give her a small kiss as well, causing her to giggle adorably.

"Stop with the cuteness already! My heart can't handle it!" Dinah yells, eliciting laughs from the rest of us.

"Who's up for a movie?" Lauren asks, and six hands shoot up, including hers. Satisfied with the vote, she walks over to the TV stand, and pulls out a movie from the basket on the bottom shelf.

"Which one did you a pick?" Ally asks, clearly suspicious, and rightfully so. I hope Lauren didn't pick.....

"The Conjuring." That's what I was afraid of.

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