On Death Row!

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The big scary police officers usher me into the court building with the butt of their guns and Tamaki, who's still smiling, follows behind us. I keep a hand on the giant open cut covered with gross bandages on my left ribs. I've got a rib broken to shards and it's where the thing flew into my body. I cringe as I walk info the room full of angry people I don't know but I do one thing, they're all mad at me.

Rows of faces sit with turned up noses or with glares to kill. I try desperately not to make eye contact with any one person but it becomes inevitable when my eyes rest on my boss, Buck. I stare at him when I'm sat down in a small wooden chair in front of hateful eyes.

The judge is a round old man with pale flaky skin, white bushy hair, and glossed over brown eyes. He looks down on me from over his small circular glasses with a smirk across his leathery grey lips. "Natsumi Dai is your name correct," the judge coughs.


"Alright and you were committed of murdering a theatre full of innocent people correct?"


"Is this a correct accusation?"

"No I've never touched a weapon in my life. I swear it!"

"Hmm interesting. Can I have Miss Dai's attorney please," the judge asks Mr. Tamaki.

Tamaki stands up and bends over then grabs his little brief case and tape. Since when is he my attorney? Tamaki's flip of grey hair past his perfect combed and slick backed hair looks off as he merrily walks towards the judge.

"Yes Sir," he calls smiling as wide as ever.

I wish he'd quit smiling.

"Do you have any proof your client did not commit this crime," the judge bellows.

Tamaki snaps open the suitcase with two pops and fishes out some paperwork and that blasted tape again. There is a small television on a little round table next to the judge, it looks like it hasn't been used in a while though. Tamaki strides over in his grey suit, pops the tape in the player, and presses play.

"I found this in The Cat Theatre security cameras that recorded everything at the time of the attack," Tamaki replies as the tv clicks to life.

The tape starts put with the theatre slowly filling up but speeds up suddenly.

"So you're just gonna shoot them and loot everyone then," a large man asks me. I smile in the video and push a round of bullets into a handgun "Yea that was the plan," I hiss annoyed. The man takes a puff on a thick cigarette in his mouth "Great can't wait to see what happens!" "Yea," I say briskly pushing the man out of the way and I leave with the gun in my hands. Seconds late, I hear loud screams and a gun going off multiple times.

"That's not me," I scream at the judge pleading with him to believe me.

The judge shakes his chubby head "That is live proof and evidence that you are to blame."

He slams his javel onto a small platform "Guilty! Natsumi Dai is sentenced to death and will be in attendance of Deadman Wonderland prison facility for life!"

My heart sank in my chest: This can't be happening to me....

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