Author's Note

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And so I have reached the end. I've got a bit to say, a bit to write, before closing this last chapter. The most important of the utmost importance, thank you. For reaching that point, for reading thirty-eight parts, one hundred sixty pages, sixty thousand words, or for simply jumping to the last part. Either way, it means a lot to me to have readers reading —O! How lyric, how poetic, such a way with words! Either way (#2), to all the silent and loud readers leaving a vote and a comment or simply leaving a view— Either way (#3), You've made my day for four months now! Thank you! Thank you so much!

Now different matters, but different matters just as important. Acknowledgements are to be made. The Werewolf is a real game— And no, let me stop you immediately. I am not saying that people really wake up one day as a Villager or a Werewolf and start killing one another. No, I am not saying that. Why would I say that. I am saying here, okay I am writing here, that the Werewolf is a fictional game that exists in the real world. I have not invented it, nor have I invented its rules. This need to be clear, I pretend in no way to have created the game. I do not own the copyrights of the game The Werewolf, but I do own my story's copyrights, i.e. Characters, Story, and all the rest. I have done the same thing Agatha Christie did for And Then There Were None, she took a song that existed before and created a world around it, I took a game that existed before and tried to create a world around— Yes, because I don't have the pretension to compare myself to Agatha Christie.

The Werewolf is a game created in 2001 by Philippe des Pallières and Hervé Marly, its original title is Les Loup-Garous de Thiercelieux. As you can guess by its name, it's a French game that every French teenager knows, has played and plays. It is also said that this game is inspired by the game Mafia, you replace Werewolves with Mafia and Villagers with Innocents. Which gave them so copyrights problems, I think, I read it somewhere. Oh, and I also want to make known that this novel is not a product placement for the game, no it isn't, and no it certainly isn't. I wrote it because I had an idea, and I wanted to develop the idea.

I guess this is everything. It was a bit longer than expected, but when I start talking, when I start WRITING, sorry for making the mistake three times in a row #ThreeTimes; oh and #IHateHashtags.

Well on that cheery note, thank you, thank you and thank you! And if you have any comment, know that I will be reading everything and answering everything, and know also that I will be smiling like a child at my screen for fifteen minutes!

Yours sincerely,

-TheYellowRaincoat- (Yes, and Marie-Gabrielle Gallard that's me)

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