Chapter 3: Wake Me from the Lies

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The sweat starts to race down the palms of my hands as the ache in my arms grow to a painful shiver. Each second seems to grow longer in my head, whilst the room continues to spin out of vision. A sharpness to the cold is still bearable, but it won't be much longer until it will start to rip apart my seams. Although it's almost certain, before it can affect me I will be in darkness and the cold will not be able to bother me there. To top it all the red stain on the dirt covered floor is creeping further away from my limp body, hanging from rusted chains. My mind can't seem to decipher much at this moment in time, or for a matter of fact why I am here and what happened before I blacked out originally. No one seems to care for the wound in my abdomen that is gushing with the same liquid in my surroundings. Just previously to my loss of vision I saw nothing that could imply to what has happened and why I'm in a room filled with darkness and no windows to brighten up my last moments of existence. Only one thing that is clear enough; the door placed directly within my eyesight that is allowing for some natural light to seep underneath. Still to me that could mean anything to where I am. A cabin in the middle of the forest, an abandoned out building in a back yard?

All I want is to scream and maybe, just maybe someone will hear me. Although I know why I cannot scream; that one scream could alert the very person that I do not want to know that I am awake, even if only just being able to keep my eyes open, or it could be because I know if I scream everything will be reality and will be brought before me and I will know there is nothing that can be done to solve this situation. I don't want the very reason for me being here to make themselves known because it will only lead to me thinking what I could off done to not be here and I know already this has gone too far.

Slower and slower my breathing pattern is becoming and with each inhale, less air is reaching my lungs making my chest surrender to its fate. As my eyes begin to close, I start to lose the feeling in my arms which is a massive relief even with the added meaning that this is not anything good. Memories are now just a blurry image that I cannot pin point at all, even the very person I am is starting to be torn away from me and soon I will not be able to distinguish the simplest things.

Movement. I don't know why but that is what is brought to my mind as a shadow of something not recognisable sweeps across my eyesight that is now only a thin line. Did I ask for this? Did I do something that lead to this having to happen? Not long now. Who wanted this to happen? Is this even real? Everything is starting to get mixed up in my thoughts and I know now that I'm no longer conscious to the outside. Whoever has done this to me obviously knew what they were doing as I am now even closer to what everyone knows as death. When will this all stop. It is getting closer.

As I continue to wait for what everyone is saying, darkness that I could  never picture or imagine washes over my limp body. Even through my no longer conscious state the slight rise and fall of my chest is still there and my mind is starting to reassemble the jumbled mess. Everything is starting to rewind and my breathing is fighting against all odds to keep going, and I can feel the gasp in my throat waiting to come alive with full force. Pain. Why of all things do I have to feel pain? It's coming back to me the relief is gone and now the hurt and ache of each limb is shouting at me to open my swollen eyes and in this very moment I let out the scream that has been tightly locked away within me.

Forcing the opening of my eyes did not take me back to the blood-stained floor or the pain I thought would still be racing through my veins. I am face to face with the one person I once thought would protect me for the rest of my life. A traitor to one of the only people I have ever truly loved in a way I don't think I could feel for anyone else. His eyes are interrogating my own, looking for something I am not aware of; back arched against the thin fabric of the makeshift tent and hands resting on his raised knees. I can't help but look at him with a hatred I never wanted to use against him; not since the day he saved my life. What has this come to?

Alex looks away first, looking like he had been slapped, but that does not last long as he tightens his jaw and speaks the first words, "I heard your scream from the other side of the river, you need to find a way to control it from getting any worse, otherwise you will be leading the simulants straight to us."

"I'm liking how it's not we anymore but I, you really that pissed off that you don't want to put yourself or anyone else in the same circle as me. Guess what the more I start to realise Alex, the worse it is going to get and I am telling you now that I am losing trust and with that you will lose me"

"What is that supposed to mean? I will not let you leave this group; you would not last two seconds out there on your own and I will not throw you out. You may not trust me now but you are still a little sister to me Chelsea. You are family to me and I will not ever do to you what I did to Miles. He wasn't good for the group." His voice takes on a harsher tone, as he drags his words, "He was not good for you!"

"Why was he not good for me? What makes it your choice Alex?" I could already feel the tears as the blood rushed to my head. Rage is the only thing being filtered and I do not know how to control it. Picking up the nearest flashlight, I stand to my feet and rush towards his slouched form. With my eyes blurred, my hands shaking, I swing the torch across the side of his face, "I loved him, I fucking loved him!"

Before I could attempt another bash to his temple, a strong grip tightens around my small frame, pulling me back towards the other side of the tent, away from a now deflated form. Blood is gushing from a gash to the left side of his head, however he is still conscious and looking at me with no expression.

As he starts to stand, I let out all I could muster through my hysterical cries, "I hate you Alex!"

What happens next, I could never have expected would have ever happened if those words just stayed behind my lips. Alex twists on the spot to face me and slowly creeps towards my frame, still secured by Luke's grip. I feel his fingernails dig into my neck and jaw as he roughly tilts my head up, against my own restraint. Then he raises his fist just above my clearing eyesight and lets it come crashing down into my cheek. He continues until I grow weak and fall out of Luke's grip to the ground. My head is growing foggy and just like in the nightmare I black out as the last cry escapes the torture.

What I awake to this time, is completely different to before, my heavy eyes open to the roof of one of the land rovers. Tasting blood and salt mixed on my inflamed lip and my head is pounding from the pressure of the bruising against my skull. I can't turn my head with the fear that if I do, will fall apart and leave nothing. As I fully start to come around, I listen to the voices coming from the front of the moving vehicle.

I am led on the back seat, tightly curled into a ball with a blanket wrapped around, hiding all my bruised limbs. Blue and Charlie are sat in the front with one other person from the group, who I cannot make out at this point.

"Do you think she is going to be Ok, does she need a doctor?" Blues voice is shaking with a mix of fuelled fury and sadness.

"I do not know, only time will tell. You should have let me murder that bastard! You saw the way he was laughing at her whilst he nearly put her six feet under and you still did not let me! I always knew he was a sadistic son of a, I could have done it Kyle."

"That would have got us nowhere, we are lucky we managed to get her away from him, without him flinching. As soon as he comes around from his own knock to the head, he will be after us and will not stop till he has her back, he wants her as bait. We need to find him before Alex finds him first." Kyles voice tried to show reasoning but even in my state I could tell he is as just as annoyed as the other two.

Who are they trying to find? I want to make them aware I am awake but sleep is already pushing me back into a comatose state. I will just go at my thoughts solo and try to get rid of this hazy feeling. What is really going on because I know the Alex I knew as a boy is not the Alex I know now.

The biggest question I wanted to ask him, which I will never be able to do now is, if he murdered miles?

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