Chapter 18

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Cher's POV

I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs. I wanted to cry so badly and just scream. I couldn't though, Harry was there and it would probably scare him. I was kind of happy that I was moving in with him again, I felt safe with him. I held onto him as he picked me up and brought me downstairs. He placed me on the couch and took off his sweatshirt, Giving it to me. I slipped it on.

"I'll go pack all of your stuff" He said nodding. I nodded also. I didn't have much stuff. He went upstairs and I got up. I went over to the table and picked up my graduation cap and diploma, Putting it in the center of the table. I went to the wash room and took my rain boots and rain jacket. I walked back to the living room to see Harry there with 2 suitcases, A few boxes and my pillow. I might have more stuff then I thought.

"You got everything that quick?" I whispered

"You still had pretty much everything packed from last time" He picked up the boxes and went to the car. I have been either to lazy or to busy to unpack. He came back in a grabbed the suitcase as I grabbed the stuff off the table.

"Ready?" he asked. I nodded and watched him walk out. I looked down at my ring finger and took off the engagement ring as it uncovered my heart tattoo. I sighed and held it in my hand, Carefully placing it on the counter. I walked out of my once fiancés house.

Harry's POV

I waited in the car as I saw Cher walking out holding some things. She put it in the trunk and shut it and then got in the passenger seat. I started driving.

"Harry?" She said very quietly, I almost didn't hear her.

"Yes love?"

"Uhm, Can we get something to eat..?" She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I smiled nodding.

"Yeah of course what would you li-"

"Mcdonalds" She said quickly. I chuckled and

Looked over at her. She was so focused on the paint on her nails. She was so cute and small. I looked back at the road and continued driving. I really wish she was mine.

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