Chapter 1: Meet the misfits (well some of them)

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His whole life he had been tormented and bullied by boys - and girls - asking whether he had bombs strapped to him to blow up the school, and when he tried to get them to bugger off they would say something like "yea that's right go and get your terrorist friends to back you up," and then they would swagger off laughing and clutching their stomachs as if their insides would fall out. Khaled Bin Akbar was the son of a very wealthy businessman. Brought up in some of the best schools you could attend in England. Right now though, he hated school, his school sounded, and looked amazing - it was obviously a private school but the one thing it lacked was respect. The staff were fine, even though they were strict, it's just everyone his age that attended this school were made up of extreme intelligence and evil all smashed into the shape of a human and set free to take rein of the school. Khaled's only friends were normally in the shape of a football field, boxing ring, piano, books, and his only real friend, Louie.


He was sitting on the couch watching a stupid cartoon on TV, when his dad came half-way down the stairs holding a series of pamphlets about education in the Middle-East. Khaled instantly knew that if he 'did' end up going to a school in the Middle-East he was stuffed. He would never see Louie again, never play videogames with Louie, and he would never go over to Louie's house again and see his pet dogs, Rybo and Kay. This was literally the end of the world. But first he had to listen to what his dad had to say.

"Khaled, turn that down, NOW!" Ahmed - Khaled's father - said in a calm, but firm voice sending shivers down Khaled's spine. He knew it, he had somehow messed up again in school and he was being punished.

"Sorry, dad, I didn't mean to tip you off." Khaled replied slyly. "Show some bloody respect, boy". Khaled raised his arms in surrender, and said a meek "sorry", hoping - even though it never happened - to be forgiven. His dad, was - as usual - unmerciful. He slowly walked down to the bottom of the staircase and marched quickly - and quietly - towards Khaled. Just as his father was about to slap his son across the face, the doorbell rang. Ahmed turned a 180 degree spin and pulled the door open. It was Louie.

"Hiya, Louie what's up?" Ahmed said with a smile.

"I can't find mom, and I was wondering if you could, like phone her or something, it's just she's not answering her phone when I ring her, but she might if it's you." Louie said, a touch of fright in his voice. "Sure, you go hang out with Khaled while I ring your mother." Ahmed said his tone unnerved. "Wow, dude that is some serious top-notch shit, she'll probably just be hanging' out with her lady friends, no need to worry" Khaled said, trying to reassure his best friend. "Young man, if I hear you speak like that in my house, I won't hesitate to lock you in your room for a week." Ahmed said with humour in his voice. "Alright, Sir, would you like fries with that?" Khaled said, mimicking an American accent. This made Louie crack up. "Bro, you realise that didn't even make sense, right, cos' those bloody American morons don't say shit like Sir, they're just like whoa dude you want some fries with that" "Louie you know you might end up locked in with Khaled too, now?" Ahmed said, obviously joking. "Also your mother isn't picking up, I'll check around with her friends but how bout you stay here with us until we find her?" this time Khaled's dad wasn't joking around to act cool, he was dead serious. "Yeah, that would be awesome thanks", "Young man, there is no need for thanks in this household, it's a given. Settle yourself in and keep calm, she's probably just working late or something."


5 hours later Ahmed Bin Akbar had sent out a search party for Louie's mum, she hadn't been seen since she left for work at 7.00am, and nobody had come into contact with her in the last 24 hours other than Louie. It was all over the news, and it is suspected that she was either kidnapped, and murdered or she had ran away from society. Khaled and Louie sat like the dead looking at the TV screen. Breaking News rolled along the bottom of the screen. Then the presenter abruptly stopped chatting about cow manure and how it was leaking into the natural water supplies, and started talking about Louie's story, the only new bit of information was that she had been found dead in a body bag left in the wooded area outside of London. It is suspected she had been there for at least six hours as there were flies everywhere. Louie sat, eyes glued to the screen he was dead to the world. First he started shivering and then it became shudders and large trembles. Then silence. He sat there in shock, and said nothing. Ahmed made desperate calls and finally an ambulance arrived and inserted a needle into Louie's arm to make him calm down, and sleep.


The car hurled to a stop at the red lights. Mother and son who had been teasing their daughter/sister Emma, had finally started to quieten down, Dad just sat there reading ignoring everything that was being said and making no attempt to step in and defend his youngest child. Emma was looking out the window, feeling sorry for herself and thinking what horrible deed she must've done in her past-life (Emma believed in paranormal events and such) to deserve a family like this. They were lovely around friends and fellow family but inside it was as if her whole family secretly resented her. She didn't know why, but she'd had enough, she was going to think up a plan - to get her out of this! But first she had to finish her book. Emma was enjoying not being picked on - for once - and as soon as the lights turned green her brother started up again about it was her fault that they never got to see the dinosaurs at the museum. It wasn't as if they were real so she didn't see why, anyways it was barely her fault, her mum had gone in with Emma and her older brother in toe, and she was horrified by the que so she said "I can't hang around here waiting for the que to die down it's not worth it, I've got places to be" and that was it she was off with the children closely behind. The only thing Emma had done was pay for an hours parking ticket and they were only there for five minutes!

As the car rounded the corner into a fresh set of red lights Emma saw a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you only ever saw in movies. The car stopped and Emma took this time to pack her mobile phone, portable charger, money and credit card into her bag then she opened the door and got out. Her parents and brother looked behind them in horror as she jogged off into the middle of the road, but none of them could do anything because a truck coming at 40kph hit the red mazda up the arse and squashed it. Emma knew it was her fault that this happened but she couldn't do anything about it - it was obvious her family was dead because the truck had literally squashed it. But then she had sometimes hoped that her family would die because they never seemed to love her. So she just carried on her jog and entered the park, found a bench and burst into tears. OK, she had made some bad decisions but if the government found her she would end up in a children's home; her parents and brother dead, nan dead, grandpa never even met and no cousins. So she would either be in a foster home, adopted or put in a children's home until she was 18, or was it 16? She didn't know, and she certainly didn't care. All she wanted now was salvation, and food - lots of it.


Louie woke at 9 in the morning, he was horrified when he heard Khaled snoring, then he remembered the nights events. He imagined his mom covered in blood and beaten, his eyes glazed over, he was depressed and didn't want to face watching 24 hour news. But Khaled had woken up and came lumbering towards him. Khaled sat on the corner of Louie's bed and handed Louie a parcel.

"Got it this morning in the post, I don't much need it cos' I've already got two. I'm sorry bout yesterday. I hope we can try cheer you up because it's really getting to us all now." Khaled said as Louie slid his hand across the packaging. "You know you can always talk to me if you need to talk to someone, about well everything, ya know?"

"Y-yeah thanks, dude. I just feel like being alone - for now - to think things over." Louie said, his voice quavering and sending shivers down Khaled's spine. "Sure" Khaled said unconvincingly, as he stood to leave the room. "Breakfast in 15" then he was on his way to the dining room to read the Newspaper. "Holy Mother..." Khaled exclaimed, turning on the TV to watch a fifteen second video of a girl casually exiting a new looking red mazda and running off into a park five seconds before the car is squashed by an oncoming truck. "Louie look at this, Dad come quick".

They all settled onto the sofa and watched the fifteen second video footage taken from the car beside. Then the TV presenter started going on and on about obvious things. "If anyone has seen this girl please call the police as soon as possible." A picture of the girl and her details were fitted onto the screen, she was 12 years old, and her name was was Emma Norris, she had a plain, but attractive face and was roughly the same age as both the boys. Louie broke the silence "I know her, her mum was friends with mine, she came over once with her mum".

Yo, this is my first part, if you want to read more, please comment and vote, now I wrote this a year ago and never finished it. Sorry, if it's long, but yeah whateves. Please, if you can, and enjoy it, share it around and get it out there. Thanks, cheers.

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