Chapter 2: Some more misfits

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James sits at the desk looking at his hands. Horrible thoughts wiz across his mind; what if I get sent to prison?, how long for?, stuff this, it was an accident right? I didn't mean to... I'll rot in hell, but mum don't care. Maybe everyone would benefit if I was locked up.... The officer takes a seat opposite James, he sets his hands on the desk and smiles gently, James felt as if he could hug the guy. The officer was buff, James wasn't gay but he saw what girls thought was nice. A nice bod, nice smile, good hair. But James didn't have that. Sure he was big and strong, cute even but girls didn't take interest in him because he was mixed up with the wrong people, it was hardly his fault. Even James' stepdad was one of 'em. The gangstas.

"Call me Xavier" the officer said, "I would like to get off to a good start so that we can negotiate and reason, Okay?" It an awkward few seconds and then James nodded, "Yes, sir", "no need to call me sir, boy" Xavier said, grinning, ear to ear, James thought he was getting pleasure out of this."What you did was obviously wrong, and since this is the first time you've been brought in you'll get a caution, mainly because you didn't hurt little Joanna, but Jacob did".


James' mind flashed back to where he and his mate, Jacob, were at the playground. They were talking about guns, drugs and money. Not that they had any, mostly talking about what drugs did to you, and the expensive price. They both knew it was wrong to take drugs so they had vowed never to do such a thing, but they both knew that either of them would get involved with drugs sooner or later because both of their stepdads were in the gang, that was known for drug dealing and stealing. Jacob was a fish out of water, a dumbass - didn't know a thing, - but that's what James liked about him, he would listen to James and agree with James, and was also a valuable ally in fights, being a black belt in taekwondo. But he was short in the brains department. Jacob's true colours shone brightly when he decided it would be fun to play a game of soccer and beat up a 12 year old girl who was disabled. At first James was in on it, but after Jacob had pushed her out of her wheelchair and he and James and had thrown things at her, James realised what he had done and told Jacob to shift it. But Jacob was also stubborn when he was enjoying himself, he was a little bit sadistic. James ended up having to drag Jacob off of her. The only person in their year group bigger and stronger than Jacob was James but James wasn't trained in fighting so he was as good as his weakest link - which was his inability to fight.


Xavier looked across the desk "son, I know that you realised what you did was wrong, and took it upon yourself to right things but look where that got you?, aye". James remembered the black, swollen shut eye Jacob had given him after James had pulled him away from Joanna. Trying to reason with Jacob hadn't worked and it ended in a bloody fight that put Jacob in hospital and James unable to see out of his left-eye. A warm smile crossed Xavier's face. "Look kid, I think what you did was great, I mean by like realising how bad it was and all and standing up to your own friend - but you're hanging out with the wrong type of people.", "If you ever want to be accepted in society and not get in trouble all the time, you'd better buck up your ideas otherwise you could land yourself in deep, deep water." Another one of those horrible thoughts whizzed through James mind, before he was able to talk, but his throat was dry. "I try not to hang with them but my stepdad is in tight with them, and he drags me along to all these events and, well I suppose I sometimes enjoy myself."


Jade glanced back at the mirror, she really liked the shoes, but they were expensive and she had little to no money. She devised a plan - that unlike all others - would hopefully be successful. She dashed to the nearest bar code scanner to pretend to see how much it was, although she already knew that they were worth more than six weeks allowance. Going back to her plan in her head she realised she didn't know where to hide the shoes and stuffed them in her cheap synthetic leather satchel not making an effort to hide the bulge. Running wasn't a weak spot for Jade and she scrambled down an escalator with a checkout operator on her tail, luckily enough Jade's pursuer got caught in a large queue of at least 150 people. At the bottom of the escalator she looked left and right then dashed for the exit of the shopping mall. Jade had come with her friend Bethany but she saw her boyfriend and ditched Jade. So Jade was alone with a pair of stolen shoes.The exit wasn't too far now and she managed to sprint past two big mean looking men in security uniforms. They were old and slow and didn't bother giving chase but instead they just screamed abuse.

100 metres up the street Jade noticed the flaw in her plan. It was 3km to her new care home and she didn't know her way well, and she had no transportation. But Jade also didn't think that a pair of stolen shoes would make it onto the news and it would just be cheaper not to spread it around. So Jade rounded the few corners she knew and then guided herself using street names and road signs to - her temporary - home. It was just before curfew and she walked up a flight of stairs to her room she shared with Kerry Richardson. Kerry was always quiet and was really kind but she only had two friends; Jade and an older girl called Sadie. Sadie was one of those goth girls dressed in black, only black and forever in black. Jade was starting to think that the prequel to Men in Black 4 should be something like Girls in Black or Goth in Black. Kerry sat on the top bunk reading some book by some guy called John, and drinking a Cool Cola. Kerry opened her mouth to ask Jade something but didn't say anything when she noticed the look on Jade's face.  

Yo guys, so yeah comment what you think about my new book writing thingy majig, but yeah. Hope you're liking it. If you want, vote or give me a follow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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