Chapter 3

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                                                      (WARNING: Vomiting)
I stared back at it. It's eyes were a deadly yellow, as if it was mind controlling me to stay put. It couldn't be a stray, could it? There's no way it could've wandered all the way out here from its home, if it even had one. "Liam? What do you see? Is there something across the lake?" I heard Julia's voice speak. I stayed quiet. The cat started walking off, but it didn't break eye contact. Soon enough, it looked away and scampered off. "What did you see?" Julia asked again. "I.. I don't know." I responded. "A.. Cat." Out of nowhere, I threw up, and blacked out. That was all I remembered. When I woke back up, Julia was sitting by my bed. I groaned. "What.. Mm.. Happened..?" I asked her. My whole body felt like lead, and my head felt like all the blood had been sucked from it, and replaced with lava. "You said something about a cat, you threw up, and then you just passed out. I brought you home, and you've been out for a couple of hours." "A couple of ours?!" A voice boomed. I knew it must be my dad. Sure enough, he walked in. "It's been a whole morning. Seven hours or so. Maybe five." I didn't say anything, just looked out the window. It was still quite sunny, but there were rain clouds over head. "What time is it?" I asked. Julia checked her phone. "4:43." I nodded. My dad was right. It had been quite a long time. I sighed, trying to think. My mind was a complete blur. Soon enough, I was thinking. I must've still been nauseous, being I was thinking stupidly. "I need to go back out."

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