Chapter 5

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I didn't hesitate. "Come here." I told the cat. The cat stayed still. "Come here." My voice repeated. But I hadn't spoken. It had come from where the cat was, but the cat didn't move. Nothing moved on it. "I said come here." "I said come here." I was weirded out, and almost angry. I bit my lip, trying to see Julia, but I couldn't look away from the cat. Even if I couldn't see her, I knew she wasn't there. "What are you?" I asked. "What are you?" It repeated. Well that certainly wasn't any help. Then it moved. It took a step forward. I gulped, taking a step forward as well. It was closer now. I could see it more clearly. It's whiskers glittered in the cracks of sun through the trees, and so did it's eyes. My eyes did that. Whenever I was curious, they would sparkle. That's what Julia told me at least. "Hey." I said. There was no echo of my voice that time. "Hello, Liam." A different voice said. It was female, and it sounded older; wiser. I saw the cat's eyes have a wave of blue, and it went away. I shuddered. "How did you know my name?" I asked. No response. "Answer me. You talked before." Still no response. After about thirty seconds, the voice came back. "In my world, young boy, there is not a single soul who doesn't know your name." It said. In their world? What did that mean? "What do you mean 'my world'?" I asked. Once again, no response for a while. "I mean exactly what I said, child. There are many worlds than just earth, that you humans do not know about." I really didn't like this thing calling me 'child' or 'young boy'. "Why do you keep calling me something whenever you speak? In every sentence you make sure it's addressed to me." "Well, in our world, it is polite to address the being in every sentence." I nodded slowly. "Well.. What are you?" I asked, there wasn't a response, for about a minute. "I am afraid I have to leave. I do hope we meet again." The voice spoke. "What? No no no no! You can't leave! You have to tell me what you are!" I said. "Goodbye, Mr. Epson." The cat then scampered off. I stared, and then blacked out.

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