Welcome to society

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One day our world will change... One day the people won't frown upon our kind. One day we will all be Welcomed into Society... One day. James Smith, 17 year old goes to Lakeview High school. He's different from everyone else you see James, umm... well he umm likes boys. As in the same sex meaning he's gay and people don't really like that. He's really open about it so everyone knows, especially since he lives in a small town in Tennessee, Hendersonville to be exact James gets bullied a lot because of his sexuality, but let's get more into his life now.

June 16, 2015 8:10am
"Uhhh..what!" Asked James.
"Get ready for school" his mom yelled. He got out of bed opened up the curtains to get hit with the shining sun, and happy shining faces walking around. When he felt dark gloomy and sad like a thunderstorm, and dark clouds were over his head.

As he got ready, he remembered that he had to write a poem on anything and present it to the class. He chose to write about society and how it actually is. When he finished his morning routine he went downstairs, kissed his mom on the cheek and drove to school. When he pulled into school he quickly found a parking spot and got out of the car. He knew it was going to be a bad day when he heard "Hey rainbow!" James turned to see Chad, he walked up to him and mugged him "How's my favorite fairy?" Chad asked "pretty great till you showed up." James said annoyed "Aww don't be like that star you know you love me talking to you." Chad retorted "Hahahaha! By talking you mean beating to a pulp so no I don't love it actually."

James walked off so he wouldn't be late to first period which is Language Arts. James made it to class and as he's about to take a seat Mrs. Jones says "James your up first to read your poem." "Umm ok" he replies awkwardly. When he makes it to the front of the class he says "my poem that I wrote is about society and how it actually is in real life behind the curtains"

"Welcome to society
we hope you enjoy your stay. And please feel free to be yourself, as long as it's in the right way, make sure you love your body, Not too much or we'll tear you down we'll bully you for smiling, And the wonder why you frown, we'll tell you your worthless, that you shouldn't make a sound, and then cry with all the others, as your buried in the ground, You can fall in love with anyone, As long as it's who we choose, And we'll let you have your opinions, but please shape them to our views,
Welcome to society
We promise we won't deceive, And one more rule now that your here, There's no way that you can leave."

Everyone in the class was clapping and saying it was amazing. He said thank you and went to his seat. After class in the hallway he heard whispers saying "rainbow is coming" or "eww he's disgusting" or "I don't want to get sick he's contagious!" Until he snapped and screamed at them "Ok, so yeah I'm gay big deal, but I really shouldn't be defined by that I'm under everyone's captivity to be like you, well I'm not and I will never be, so hang the hate up and let it dry because I'm not changing for anyone."

Time Skip•~

June 24, 2015
This is the day the world changed. This is the day we were accepted. I know your wondering what I'm talking about so I'm going to tell you. Today gay marriage was legalized in all states by our president. He gave a speech, he said,

"Today is the time for the world to change. To bring a time of tranquility between the LGBTQ Community and straight people. It is time to set the free from the manacles of society and not to be seared with judgmental looks every time they walk into hallowed grounds. For them to not start withering away or to be apart of persecution. Causing families languishing agony and pain. Today is the day that everything will change. I'm president Obama and I approve this message."

Now you see why the world has changed, so many people are coming out to the world. This is why I'm happy. I may still get bullied, not a lot anymore. People are starting to change, but now you see that I'm being accepted, but I just have one more thing to say... WELCOME TO SOCIETY.

Welcome to society(an LGBTQ short story)Where stories live. Discover now