Chaoter Nine Casual

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       "Toffee, don't you think your 'dressed' up?" You two were getting ready for school. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, you look like a lawyer." He looked at himself. "What? Can't impress other ladies?" He smirked, you just blushed. "Dude, this isn't Yale. Here." You pulled out a hoodie and some jeans. "Try these on." He looked at them. "What is this?" "It's casual. Just a black hoodie and some jeans. Try them on." He went to his room. It took him a few minutes but then he walked out. "How's this?" You looked at him, you blushed a little. He looked cute. "You look good." You held two thumbs up. He smiled at you. " You look cute yourself." You blushed. You were wearing your f/c cat ears, f/c jeans and f/c T-shirt. Also with f/c colored hoodie unzipped.  "Uh. Thanks." You grabbed your bag that you dropped. "Let's go." "Wait, won't they question about my appearance?" He asked a little worried. "Don't worry. Just stay cool and you'll be fine. If anybody messes with you i'll jump dem." You said smiling. He smiled back. "You'd be a great girl friend." He said grabbing his backpack and opening a portal to school. You blushed. "You'd make a pretty cool boyfriend." He blushed also, he let you go first then followed.
      "Here we are!" You said putting your hand on your hips. He gazed around. "This is high school?" You nodded. " Yeah, what'd you expect? The military?" You giggled afterwards. He didn't say anything. You looked around, everyone was looking at you two. "Anyways..." You seen the gang walking towards you. "Ay Y/n. This your boy?" Russel said. "Yeah. Russel meet Toffee, Toffee Russel." Russel was almost his height. Russel held out his hand. "Ay, how ya' doin'?" Toffee took his hand. "Good, yourself?" They stopped shaking, Russel shrugged. "Could do better. Ay, meet the gang. This is Ruffle, my bro, Jack, Johnny, and Frank." They all nodded. "So, you're the Alpha Male?" Ruffle asked, he looked tired and pissed. Toffee nodded. "Yes I am." Russel laughed. "Ay, you better treat 'er good. We rarely get any other Alpha Females here." He said. Toffee nodded. "Let's get goin'." Russel said. "To class?" They all laughed. "Nah man, we gonna ditch." The bell ringed. "Right on time too." Toffee was confused and looked at you. "Do you guys do this all day?" You shrugged and nodded. "Pretty much yeah. These teachers are stupid anyways. None gonna play attention." "Why are you talking like that?" He said. "Like what?" "You were talking like a New Yorker." You sighed. "Don't I always?" "No, just around those guys." You two walked behind the school building. "Look, just play along. You gotta survive at this school." He smirked. "Well if we're gonna play along." He smirked. "Waoh! Um...." You blushed from the way he said that. "What? Too cute for you?" You blushed tomato red. "Ah... Toffee." You cover your face except your eyes with one hand. "Aw... You look cute when you blush." "Oh my gawd Toffee." You rolled your eyes but still covering part of your face. He laughed. "Tsk. Can't believe she would take a monster..." You heard Ruffle mumble. "Ay, leave him alone." You said to him. Ruffle crossed his arms. "Why are you with a monster? He's just a giant lizard man. He's an animal! I don't understand why you love him!" You blushed. "You'd better back off or I'll put you down on the concrete." You barked. Russel came between us. "Ay, we don't need any fighting here. Ruffle what's goin' on with that head I'm yours?" Ruffle backed off.
       "Don't you see this?! That's a monster!!! She's not dating any human guys!" You were triggered. "WHAT?!?! YOU SUDDENLY HATE ME FOR LIKING A ANOTHER GUY?!?!?! I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT CRAP OF YOURS!!! NOW BACK OFF OR I'LL PUT CHU DOWN!!!" Toffee held you down. "Ay... Y/n calm down." He said trying to hold you down as well. He looked at Ruffle. " If she put you down, I ain't helping. You brought this on yourself. You know what dad says." Russel let go.
       You calmed down, Toffee pulled you into a hug but you didn't hug back. "It's alright Y/n. He ain't brotherin' you anymore." You sighed and looked at Toffee and Russel. "Thanks for holding me back." They both nodded. Johnny, Jack, and Frank just stood there starring at Russel surprised. "You're not gonna help 'em?" Frank said. Russel shook his head. "Nah man. My dad told me we gotta deal with our own problems. Unless one of us gets almost killed. Plus, we can't fight the Alpha, it's be considered a challenge." He chuckled. "And I ain't gonna be the big boss."
     "Stupid monster..." Ruffle mumbled. You weren't triggered anymore, you went straight savage and hit Ruffle making him fall. Then you held him by the shirt. "Talk shit about him again, I'll jump you." Ruffle looked scared, he put his hands up. "Y-Y/n... Please don't... C/Mon we used to be good friends." You put him back down on the ground. "Looks like I've lost 'em den." You walked off with Toffee following you, also the rest of the gang. You were queen. You were followed and inspired from.
      "I think we should head off now." You waved and hugged everyone goodbye except Ruffle. You felt bad for the kid but still mad at him. "Bye guys." They all waved bye. You and Toffee stepped in the portal to the Castle. "That was casual?" Toffee said smirking. "No. That just happened. It's not everyday I gotta hit somebody." You two laughed. "It's sad though. He was a good kid too." Toffee stopped laughing. He put his hand in his pockets.
       Hey G/n." You looked up at him. "I want to confess something."

A/n C'mon guys! We already know!!! Oh Y/n good hit on Ruffle! You almost knocked him out!
Toffee: I was hoping she would.
Me: Me too. He was a jackass
Toffee: That you created.
Me: I could stop the book.
Toffee: I'll shut up.
Me: *laughs* BYE!!!

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