9-This is youth!

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A/N So I didn't update this Friday, but here is the next chapter on Sunday instead! I hope everyone enjoys it! :D

The red 1957 bel air convertible cruised the early morning roads cross country. It's seen a lot of different places or might you say it's driver has. It started in California and made it's way to Cleveland Ohio in the early hours of the morning. It stopped at the Holiday Inn and that's when its driver got out to check in. The boy wore a denim jacket with rips on the right side. He had on leather pants and a sideways black ball cap. He got out of his car admiring it's clear red body and swatting at any bits of dust that it may have gathered. He stretched a bit, yawned then headed to the hotel building situated in the midst of the wonderful city of Cleveland. It was much nicer than he had expected, it wasn't big but it was very cultural with a lot to offer. He chuckled to himself, this felt like a fresh start.


Good morning!" Agustin called over his shoulder as he heard someone coming into the kitchen. It smelled of bacon which was any good way to gather the boys down there.

"Hi, Agustin." Said the voice of Brooks.

Agustin turned to face him with a smile. "Well, Javi tossed Aman's bear and Aman's asleep since four A.M. How are you boo?"

Brooks looked concerned. "You mean you were up with him all night?" He asked.

"The other guys and I took turns." Replied Agustin, he put a plate full of food on the table and gestured for Brooks to sit down.

"I could have done it too." Said Brooks taking a seat at the table.

"You were out like a light. Today's Saturday and we have no work so we can all get plenty of rest. Eat up, hm?"

Brooks stare at his food.

"Brooks you have to eat, you don't want a tube sticking out of your belly, do you? I know I wouldn't, I rather just force the food down my throat." Said Agustin.

"Yeah me too." That was Javier, he came into the kitchen looking slightly happier that morning. "Just eat Brooks, it can't be that bad."

"Guys it is that bad and I'm not a baby!" Brooks protested.

"Does it hurt your stomach, Brooks?" Agustin asked serving Javier his food.

"Yeah, but it's not a big deal so back off guys." Brooks lifted his fork and obviously himself to eat a small bite. The other boys began cheering for him which he rolled his eyes at.

"Hey, guys!" Called Dylan as he came into the kitchen. "So, any ideas on how we can stop Orson Luz?" He sat at the table as Agustin brought him his food.

"It won't be that easy silly." Javier rolled his eyes.

"Eat Brooks." Said Dylan eyeing Brooks who was picking at his food rather than eating it.

"What's Aman up to?" Agustin joined the other boys at the table with a plate of food for himself after giving one to Dylan.

"He's sleeping like a baby well, apart from his fever which is making him a bit restless." Told Dylan.


Aman was just waking up, the natural light streaming in through the window hurt his head. It wasn't even sunny out yet even the gray was too much for him. He groaned as he sat up, the pain in his head has gotten worse, the tightness in his stomach was turning in on him. He looked over at the note on the bedside table which Agustin had left there.

Take painkillers when you wake up. Agustin.

Aman reached over for the painkillers and opened the bottle. He took one then popped it in his mouth reaching back over for the glass of water. He Swallowed it down, placed the cup on the table then lay back again. He needed his beer and he didn't know the other boys ditched it. He knew he couldn't ask them to get it for him, they wouldn't. He would have to go for it himself. He shut his eyes bracing himself for the change in position. He slowly stood up, his legs feeling shaky and his vision blurring. He made it over to the door stopping to catch his breath. Then with a shaky hand, he turned the knob till the door opened. He took a look out into the hall and could hear the voices of the others boys coming from downstairs. They sounded happy when he did nothing more but swear under his breath. He stepped out into the hall and brought his heavy body to the attic door at the end of the hall. He opened it up then climbed the stairs leaning heavily into the old dusty banister. He felt miles away from the attic when it was really only a few steps up. He was feeling his knees lock in as his heart hit his chest due to the effort. His vision was getting worse when everything before him went black. It lasted for a split second in time enough for him to fall back to the bottom. Then everything cleared up and he could see the faces of the other boys running down the hallway.

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