Chapter 3: Advice!

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"...and that's the plan."
I don't know why, but I ended up telling Ritsu about the Christmas thing. Well, maybe she could give some advice.

"A hotel, hm? That's nice." Ritsu looked at me with a poker face, but I could totally tell she was trying her best not to grin.
"Don't get any funny ideas now, okay?!" I looked away, blushing.

Ritsu covered her mouth and giggled. "A hoteeel~♡"

It was Wednesday, and school was over. Karma told me he had some work to do and went off. He's been doing that since Monday, but I don't know why.

"Ah, youth is such a wonderful thing!"
Startled, I looked around to find Koro-sensei standing behind me.

"K-K-Koro-sensei!! Y-you heard everything?!" I quickly shut my notebook and put it in my desk.
"Nagisa-kun, my advice is that you get as much sex appeal as you can." Koro-sensei too pulled on his grey poker face. He was hiding his laughter too! He totally was!!

"Yeah yeah, that would bring him down!! Lemme search some trending designs..." Ritsu agreed, and I watched as some lists opened up on the screen, almost completely covering Ritsu.

"W-wait Ritsu, you don't need to-"
"Got it!" Ritsu gave me a jubilant look, which, for some reason had an evil touch to it.

"Koro-sensei, here." Ritsu printed out a sheet of paper. Before I could see what it was, Koro-sensei took it, and said,"I'll be right back!" With that, he took off to somewhere right out of the window.
Damn him and his speed!

"Hey, Ritsu, what did you give him?" I asked, but Ritsu just shrugged with an innocent smile.

About fifteen seconds later, Koro-sensei was back.
He had a big bag in his hand.

"Nagisa-kun, I've got to check if it's the correct size, so you'll have to try it on!" Koro-sensei chuckled.
I don't even know what happened after that. There was a strong whirlwind around me, and the next thing I knew was that I was standing there in a dress.

"Wha-?!! W-w-what the hell?!"
And it wasn't even a long dress! Rather, a pink-and-black crop top with a pink ribbon on the shoulder and a black miniskirt!!
It may have been awesome fashion for a girl, but not for me!!

My legs felt so airy, I had to pull down the skirt. It didn't come off, but at least I didn't feel that weird anymore!

"Ooooh!!!♡ Nagisa-kun, you rock!!" Ritsu cheered. Koro-sensei's face turned bright pink.

"Okay, okay, I get the idea! Now can I get this thing off?!" I cried, fidgeting. How could anyone wear this thing?!

"Wait just a minute, Nagisa-kun! The climax is still not over!" Ritsu gave me a wink, which I knew was a very, very bad sign.

I heard footsteps. Someone was running towards the classroom. The door slid open.

"Ritsu, what do you mean Nagisa was kidnapped?!" Karma came in, huffing, but stopped when he saw me. His eyebrows shot up, and his jaw dropped.
"Tee-hee!♥ I lied a bit! Now, how do you like him, Karma-kun??" Ritsu clasped her hands in front of her chest, waiting for compliments.

I felt sooo embarrassed, I felt like screaming.
"I thought this was for Christmas?" I shot a glare at Ritsu. She stuck out her tongue and lightly hit her head. "Sorry, I couldn't wait!♡"

Karma just stared at me, perhaps in awe. I sighed.
"W-well? What do you think?" Might as well know his thoughts!

Karma cleared his throat, his eyes inspecting me. I saw him blush a little.
"It's...uh..." he scratched his head and looked at Koro-sensei.
"Koro-sensei, gimme the right word for it?"

"That won't do, Karma-kun! Nagisa-kun here is waiting for your words, not mine!" Koro-sensei nodded his head.

"Well then...let me put it how I want to." With that, Karma stepped up to me, grabbed my waist, pulled me up and gave me a really deep kiss!
And it wasn't just a deep kiss, it was a long one too.
Wait, rather, a loooong one! And, with the tongue and all, I mean!!

By the time he let go, I was half dead!
I heard Ritsu squeal at my side.
"I couldn't have described it better." Karma whispered, licking his lips.
"Well then, thank you." I said, turning my face away from him. How much more embarrassing could this get?!

Well, after that, Koro-sensei finally changed my clothes back, and told Karma to walk me home since it was getting late. What was I, a kid?!
And yeah, he gave me the dress too, for Christmas. Not like I was going to wear it again!

We walked in silence for a minute.
"Say, Nagisa-kun, would you be wearing that on Christmas?" Karma asked, rubbing his neck.
"H-huh? Well...I'll think about it." Something told me that if I rejected the idea there, Karma would come to dress me up on Christmas!

"Wear it." Karma smiled. So I was right, after all...
"'s feels really weird in a skirt, a-and you've already seen me in it, so..." I tried to lightly walk out of it.
"No, wear it." Karma insisted.

I sighed. My house was in sight now.
"Karma-kun, why do you want me to wear it again? You just saw me wearing it, didn't you? So why exactly?" We had reached my house already.

"Well, it's because..."
Karma leaned forward, and his lips touched my ear, making me jump.
"Because next time, I won't be able to resist eating you up." He whispered.
Then, he stood up straight and grinned at me. "Well, see you tomorrow!" With that, he ran off to somewhere, probably his home.

And I just stood there like an idiot for the next five minutes, taking in Karma's words.

Because next time, I won't be able to resist eating you up.

Then, when I finally snapped back, there was only one thing I could shout out to the sky.

"Karma-kun, you're a huge idiooot!!!"

★KarNagi: Merry Christmas!!★Where stories live. Discover now